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Le mot anglais du jour




anglais > français
     1. v. Regarder.
           I'm just looking.
           Je ne fais que regarder.
           Look how big that building is.
           Regardez comme ce bâtiment est grand.
           Look at me when I speak!
           Regarde-moi quand je parle !
     2. v. Paraître, sembler, avoir l'air de.
           He looks honest, but is he really?
           Il a l'air honnête, mais l'est-il vraiment ?
     3. n. Air, mine.
           He has the look of someone who is guilty.
           Il a la mine de quelqu'un qui est coupable.
     4. n. Air, allure, apparence, aspect.
           That is the look that will be in all the fashion magazines next month.
           C'est l'allure qui sera dans tous les magazines de mode le mois prochain.
     5. n. Regard.
           He gave me a strange look.
           Il m'a lancé un regard étrange.
anglais > anglais
     1. v. (intransitive, often, with "at") To try to see, to pay attention to with one’s eyes.
           Look at my new car!  Don’t look in the closet.
     2. v. To appear, to seem.
           It looks as if it’s going to rain soon.
     3. v. (copulative) To give an appearance of being.
           That painting looks nice.
     4. v. (intransitive, often, with "for") To search for, to try to find.
     5. v. To face or present a view.
           The hotel looks over the valleys of the HinduKush.
     6. v. To expect or anticipate.
           I look to each hour for my lover’s arrival.
     7. v. To express or manifest by a look.
     8. v. (transitive, often, with "to") To make sure of, to see to.
     9. v. (dated, sometimes figurative) To show oneself in looking.
           Look out of the window i.e. lean out while I speak to you.
     10. v. (transitive, obsolete) To look at; to turn the eyes toward.
     11. v. (transitive, obsolete) To seek; to search for.
     12. v. (transitive, obsolete) To influence, overawe, or subdue by looks or presence.
           to look down opposition
     13. v. (baseball) To look at a pitch as a batter without swinging at it.
           The fastball caught him looking.
           Clem Labine struck Mays out looking at his last at bat.
           It's unusual for Mays to strike out looking. He usually takes a cut at it.
     14. interj. Pay attention.
           Look, I'm going to explain what to do, so you have to listen closely.
     15. n. The action of looking; an attempt to see.
           Let’s have a look under the hood of the car.
     16. n. (often plural) Physical appearance, visual impression.
           She got her mother’s looks.
           I don’t like the look of the new design.
     17. n. A facial expression.
           He gave me a dirty look.
           If looks could kill ...
français > anglais
     1. v. to look at
           Tu regardes quoi ? - What are you looking at?
     2. v. to watch
           Je regarde un film à la TV si ça t'intéresse. - I'm watching a film on TV if you're interested.
     3. v. to face
     4. v. to concern (be associated with)


Exemples de phrases

You look perfect. 
    Tu as l'air parfait.
It doesn't look good at all. 
    Ça n'a pas l'air bon du tout.
I will look after your cat while you are away. 
    Je prendrai soin de votre chat quand vous serez partis.
You look like a girl. 
    Vous avez l'air d'une fille.
Do I look like I'm busy? 
    Ai-je l'air d'être occupé ?

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