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Le mot anglais du jour




anglais > français
     1. n. (Astronomie) (avec the) Lune.
           Mère Louve était étendue, son gros nez gris tombé parmi ses quatre petits qui se culbutaient en criant, et la lune luisait par l'ouverture de la caverne où ils vivaient tous.
     2. n. (Astronomie) Satellite naturel.
     3. v. (Familier) Montrer sa lune.
           Montrons notre lune à quelques policiers !
           Montrer sa lune n'est pas amusant.
anglais > anglais
     1. n. (mistaken capitalization of Moon, with "the") the Earth's only permanent natural satellite.
     2. n. (colloquial, by extension of Moon) Any natural satellite of a planet.
           the moons of Jupiter
     3. n. (literary) A month, particularly a lunar month.
     4. n. A crescent-like outwork in a fortification.
     5. n. The eighteenth trump/major arcana card of the Tarot.
     6. n. (cartomancy) The thirty-second Lenormand card.
     7. v. (transitive, colloquial) To display one's buttocks to, typically as a jest, insult, or protest.
     8. v. (intransitive, US, colloquial) (usually followed by over or after) To fuss over something adoringly; to be infatuated with someone.
           Sarah mooned over Sam's photograph for months.
           You've been mooning after her forever, why not just ask her out?
     9. v. To spend time idly, absent-mindedly.
     10. v. To expose to the rays of the Moon.
     11. v. (cryptocurrency) to rise in price rapidly (describing a coin or token).
français > anglais
     1. n-f. the Moon
     2. n-f. any natural satellite of a planet
     3. n-f. (literary) a month, particularly a lunar month



Exemples de phrases

Seen from the moon, the earth looks like a ball. 
    De la Lune, la Terre ressemble à un ballon.
There are no people on the moon. 
    Il n'y a personne sur la lune.
Tomorrow he lands on the moon. 
    Demain, il atterrit sur la lune.
Tomorrow, he will land on the moon. 
    Demain, il va se poser sur la lune.
The moon, veiled by the clouds, illuminated the countryside with a glimmer, equal and vague. 
    La lune, voilée par les nuages, éclairait la campagne d’une lueur égale et vague.

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