Lexis Rex - Accueil

Le mot anglais du jour




anglais > français
     1. n. (Moment de la journée) Nuit.
     2. n. Nuitée.
     3. n. Noirceur, obscurité.
anglais > anglais
     1. n. The period between sunset and sunrise, when a location faces far away from the sun, thus when the sky is dark.
           How do you sleep at night when you attack your kids like that!?
     2. n. An evening or night spent at a particular activity.
           a night on the town
     3. n. A night (and part of the days before and after it) spent in a hotel or other accommodation.
           We stayed at the Hilton for five nights.
     4. n. Nightfall.
           from noon till night
     5. n. Darkness.
           The cat disappeared into the night.
     6. n. A dark blue colour, midnight blue.
           (color panel, 002266)
     7. n. (sports) A night's worth of competitions, generally one game.
     8. interj. short for, good night
           Night all! Thanks for a great evening!
     9. v. To spend a night (in a place), to overnight.
français > anglais
     1. n-f. night



Exemples de phrases

In winter, night falls quickly. 
    En hiver, la nuit tombe rapidement.
She calls him every night and talks for at least an hour. 
    Elle l'appelle chaque soir et parle pendant au moins une heure.
The stock has gone down over night. 
    Le titre s'est effondré du jour au lendemain.
I was up almost all night. 
    J'ai veillé presque toute la nuit.
They talked all night. 
    Ils parlèrent toute la nuit.

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