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Le mot anglais du jour




anglais > français
     1. n. Graine, pépin.
     2. n. (Par extension) Sperme.
     3. n. (Par extension) (Vieilli) Progéniture.
     4. v. (Transitif) Semer.
anglais > anglais
     1. n. A fertilized grain, initially encased in a fruit, which may grow into a mature plant.
           If you plant a seed in the spring, you may have a pleasant surprise in the autumn.
     2. n. (botany) A fertilized ovule, containing an embryonic plant.
     3. n. An amount of fertilized grain that cannot be readily counted.
           The entire field was covered with geese eating the freshly sown seed.
     4. n. Semen.
           A man must use his seed to start and raise a family.
     5. n. A precursor.
           the seed of an idea;  which idea was the seed (idea)?
     6. n. The initial state, condition or position of a changing, growing or developing process; the ultimate precursor in a defined chain of precursors.
     7. n.          The initial position of a competitor or team in a tournament. (seed position)
                    The team with the best regular season record receives the top seed in the conference tournament.
     8. n.          The competitor or team occupying a given seed. (seed position)
                    The rookie was a surprising top seed.
     9. n.          Initialization state of a pseudorandom number generator (PRNG). (seed number)
                    If you use the same seed you will get exactly the same pattern of numbers.
     10. n.          Commercial message in a creative format placed on relevant sites on the Internet. (seed idea or seed message)
                    The latest seed has attracted a lot of users in our online community.
     11. n. (now rare) Offspring, descendants, progeny.
           the seed of Abraham
     12. n. Race; generation; birth.
     13. v. To plant or sow an area with seeds.
           I seeded my lawn with bluegrass.
     14. v. To cover thinly with something scattered; to ornament with seedlike decorations.
     15. v. To start; to provide, assign or determine the initial resources for, position of, state of.
           A venture capitalist seeds young companies.
           The tournament coordinator will seed the starting lineup with the best competitors from the qualifying round.
           The programmer seeded fresh, uncorrupted data into the database before running unit tests.
     16. v. (sports) To allocate a seeding to a competitor.
     17. v. (internet, transitive) To leave (files) available for others to download through BitTorrent.
     18. v. To be able to compete (especially in a quarter-final/semi-final/final).
           The tennis player seeded into the quarters.
     19. v. To ejaculate inside the penetratee during intercourse, especially in the rectum.
français > anglais
     1. n-f. seed (fertilized grain)
     2. n-f. (Quebec, slang) dick, penis



Exemples de phrases

If you plant an apple seed, it might grow into a tree. 
    Si tu plantes une graine de pommier, elle pourrait devenir un arbre.
'Your offspring shall possess their enemies' gates, and in your seed shall be all nations blessed because you obeyed my command thus.' 
    Ta postérité possédera la porte de ses ennemis, et toutes les nations de la terre seront bénies en ta semence, parce que tu as obéi à ma voix.

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