anglais > français | |
speaker | |
1. n. Parleur. | |
2. n. Orateur. | |
3. n. Baffle. | |
4. n. (Politique) Speaker. | |
5. n. (Linguistique) Locuteur. | |
anglais > anglais | |
speaker | |
1. n. One who speaks. |  |
A native English speaker. |  |
2. n. Loudspeaker. |  |
3. n. Speakerphone. |  |
4. n. (politics) The chair or presiding officer of certain legislative bodies, such as the U.K. House of Commons or the U.S. House of Representatives. |  |
5. n. One who makes a speech to an audience. |  |
The company hired a motivational speaker to boost morale. |  |
6. n. (US) A book containing passages of text for use in speeches. |  |
7. n. (linguistics) The producer of a given utterance, whether actually spoken or not. |  |
8. n. (music) A key on a woodwind instrument of the clarinet family (cf octave key on other instruments) which induces the instrument to overblow. |  |
français > anglais | |
haut-parleur | |
1. n-m. loudspeaker |  |