anglais > français | |
station | |
1. n. (Ferroviaire) Gare, gare routière (d'autobus), station. | |
2. n. Station service. | |
3. n. station (pause, arrêt que l'on fait dans un parcours). | |
4. n. (Télévision) Chaîne de télévision, station de radio. | |
5. n. Statut, position sociale. | |
6. n. (Australie) (Nouvelle-Zélande) Ranch, ferme. | |
7. v. Stationner, poster. | |
anglais > anglais | |
station | |
1. n. (obsolete) The fact of standing still; motionlessness, stasis. | |
2. n. (astronomy) The apparent standing still of a superior planet just before it begins or ends its retrograde motion. | |
3. n. A stopping place. | |
4. n. A regular stopping place for ground transportation. | |
The next station is Esperanza. | |
5. n. A ground transportation depot. | |
It's right across from the bus station. | |
6. n. A place where one stands or stays or is assigned to stand or stay. | |
From my station at the front door, I greeted every visitor. | |
All ships are on station, Admiral. | |
7. n. (US) A gas station, service station. | |
8. n. A place where workers are stationed. | |
9. n. An official building from which police or firefighters operate. | |
The police station is opposite the fire station. | |
10. n. A place where one performs a task or where one is on call to perform a task. | |
The waitress was at her station preparing three checks. | |
The station is part of a group of stations run by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. | |
11. n. A military base. | |
She had a boyfriend at the station. | |
12. n. A place used for broadcasting radio or television. | |
I used to work at a radio station. | |
13. n. (Australia, New Zealand) A very large sheep or cattle farm. | |
14. n. One of the Stations of the Cross. | |
15. n. The Roman Catholic fast of the fourth and sixth days of the week, Wednesday and Friday, in memory of the council which condemned Christ, and of his passion. | |
16. n. A church in which the procession of the clergy halts on stated days to say stated prayers. | |
17. n. Standing; rank; position. | |
She had ambitions beyond her station. | |
18. n. A broadcasting entity. | |
I used to listen to that radio station. | |
19. n. (Newfoundland) A harbour or cove with a foreshore suitable for a facility to support nearby fishing. | |
20. n. (surveying) Any of a sequence of equally spaced points along a path. | |
21. n. The particular place, or kind of situation, in which a species naturally occurs; a habitat. | |
22. n. (mining) An enlargement in a shaft or galley, used as a landing, or passing place, or for the accommodation of a pump, tank, etc. | |
23. n. Post assigned; office; the part or department of public duty which a person is appointed to perform; sphere of duty or occupation; employment. | |
24. n. (medicine) The position of the foetal head in relation to the distance from the ischial spines, measured in centimetres. | |
25. v. To put in place to perform a task. | |
The host stationed me at the front door to greet visitors. | |
26. v. To put in place to perform military duty. | |
They stationed me overseas just as fighting broke out. | |
français > anglais | |
gare | |
1. n-f. railway station | |
2. v. singular present of garer | |
3. interj. (indtr, à) beware (something) | |
Gare au refroidissement ! | |