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anglais > français
     1. v. Avaler.
     2. v. (Figuré) Absorber rapidement.
     3. v. (Figuré) Accepter sans modification.
     4. n. Gorgée.
     5. n. (Zoologie) Hirondelle.
anglais > anglais
     1. v. To cause (food, drink etc.) to pass from the mouth into the stomach; to take into the stomach through the throat.
     2. v. To take (something) in so that it disappears; to consume, absorb.
     3. v. (intransitive) To take food down into the stomach; to make the muscular contractions of the oesophagus to achieve this, often taken as a sign of nervousness or strong emotion.
           My throat was so sore that I was unable to swallow.
     4. v. To accept easily or without questions; to believe, accept.
     5. v. To engross; to appropriate; usually with up.
     6. v. To retract; to recant.
           to swallow one's opinions
     7. v. To put up with; to bear patiently or without retaliation.
           to swallow an affront or insult
     8. n. (archaic) A deep chasm or abyss in the earth.
     9. n. The amount swallowed in one gulp; the act of swallowing.
           He took the aspirin with a single swallow of water.
     10. n. (Nigeria) Any of various carbohydrate-based dishes that are swallowed without much chewing.
     11. n. A small, migratory bird of the Hirundinidae family with long, pointed, moon-shaped wings and a forked tail which feeds on the wing by catching insects.
     12. n. (nautical) The aperture in a block through which the rope reeves.
français > anglais
     1. v. to swallow
     2. v. to swallow cum, to swallow
           Est-ce que tu avales ? - Do you swallow?
     3. v. to believe
     4. v. to support
     5. v. to approve, endorse


Exemples de phrases

I can't swallow these tablets without a drink of water. 
    Je ne peux pas avaler ces cachets sans un verre d'eau.
One swallow does not a spring make. 
    Une hirondelle ne fait pas le printemps.
My throat hurts when I swallow. 
    Ma gorge me fait mal quand j'avale.
He named the ship the Swallow. 
    Il baptisa le navire "l'Hirondelle".

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