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anglais > français
     1. adj. Sucré, doux.
     2. adj. (Figuré) Mignon.
     3. adj. (Musique) (Son) Mélodieux, plaisant à l'oreille.
     4. n. (UK) Produit sucré (friandise, bonbon, dessert).
anglais > anglais
     1. adj. Having a pleasant taste, especially one relating to the basic taste sensation induced by sugar.
           a sweet apple
     2. adj. Having a taste of sugar.
     3. adj. (wine) Retaining a portion of sugar.
           Sweet wines are better dessert wines.
     4. adj. Not having a salty taste.
           sweet butter
     5. adj. Having a pleasant smell.
           a sweet scent.
     6. adj. Not decaying, fermented, rancid, sour, spoiled, or stale.
           sweet milk
     7. adj. Having a pleasant sound.
           a sweet tune
     8. adj. Having a pleasing disposition.
           a sweet child
     9. adj. Having a helpful disposition.
           It was sweet of him to help out.
     10. adj. (mineralogy) Free from excessive unwanted substances like acid or sulphur.
           sweet soil
           sweet crude oil
     11. adj. (informal) Very pleasing; agreeable.
           The new Lexus was a sweet birthday gift.
     12. adj. (anchor, be_sweet_on)(informal, followed by on) Romantically fixated, enamoured with , fond of
           The attraction was mutual and instant; they were sweet on one another from first sight.
     13. adj. (obsolete) Fresh; not salt or brackish.
           sweet water
     14. adj. Pleasing to the eye; beautiful; mild and attractive; fair.
           a sweet face; a sweet colour or complexion
     15. adv. In a sweet manner.
     16. n. The basic taste sensation induced by sugar.
     17. n. (British) A confection made from sugar, or high in sugar content; a candy.
     18. n. (British) A food eaten for dessert.
           Can we see the sweet menu, please?
     19. n. sweetheart; darling.
     20. n. (obsolete) That which is sweet or pleasant in odour; a perfume.
     21. n. (obsolete) Sweetness, delight; something pleasant to the mind or senses.
français > anglais
     1. adj. sweet
     2. adj. soft
     3. adj. mild
     4. adj. gentle (gradual rather than steep)
           une pente douce - a gentle slope
     5. adj. (of water) fresh, not salty
     6. adv. gently



Exemples de phrases

Pretty flowers do not necessarily smell sweet. 
    Les jolies fleurs ne sentent pas nécessairement bon.
I usually don't like sweet things, but I will try one of your cookies. 
    Je n'aime pas les sucreries, d'habitude, mais je goûterai l'un de vos biscuits.
I cook potato soup and bake sweet cakes. 
    Je cuisine de la soupe aux pommes de terre et cuit des gâteaux sucrés.
Life is sweet. 
    La vie est douce.
Good night and sweet dreams. 
    Bonne nuit et fais de beaux rêves.

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