anglais > français | |
sweet | |
1. adj. Sucré, doux. | |
2. adj. (Figuré) Mignon. | |
3. adj. (Musique) (Son) Mélodieux, plaisant à l'oreille. | |
4. n. (UK) Produit sucré (friandise, bonbon, dessert). | |
anglais > anglais | |
sweet | |
1. adj. Having a pleasant taste, especially one relating to the basic taste sensation induced by sugar. |  |
a sweet apple |  |
2. adj. Having a taste of sugar. |  |
3. adj. (wine) Retaining a portion of sugar. |  |
Sweet wines are better dessert wines. |  |
4. adj. Not having a salty taste. |  |
sweet butter |  |
5. adj. Having a pleasant smell. |  |
a sweet scent. |  |
6. adj. Not decaying, fermented, rancid, sour, spoiled, or stale. |  |
sweet milk |  |
7. adj. Having a pleasant sound. |  |
a sweet tune |  |
8. adj. Having a pleasing disposition. |  |
a sweet child |  |
9. adj. Having a helpful disposition. |  |
It was sweet of him to help out. |  |
10. adj. (mineralogy) Free from excessive unwanted substances like acid or sulphur. |  |
sweet soil |  |
sweet crude oil |  |
11. adj. (informal) Very pleasing; agreeable. |  |
The new Lexus was a sweet birthday gift. |  |
12. adj. (anchor, be_sweet_on)(informal, followed by on) Romantically fixated, enamoured with , fond of |  |
The attraction was mutual and instant; they were sweet on one another from first sight. |  |
13. adj. (obsolete) Fresh; not salt or brackish. |  |
sweet water |  |
14. adj. Pleasing to the eye; beautiful; mild and attractive; fair. |  |
a sweet face; a sweet colour or complexion |  |
15. adv. In a sweet manner. |  |
16. n. The basic taste sensation induced by sugar. |  |
17. n. (British) A confection made from sugar, or high in sugar content; a candy. |  |
18. n. (British) A food eaten for dessert. |  |
Can we see the sweet menu, please? |  |
19. n. sweetheart; darling. |  |
20. n. (obsolete) That which is sweet or pleasant in odour; a perfume. |  |
21. n. (obsolete) Sweetness, delight; something pleasant to the mind or senses. |  |
français > anglais | |
doux | |
1. adj. sweet |  |
2. adj. soft |  |
3. adj. mild |  |
4. adj. gentle (gradual rather than steep) |  |
une pente douce - a gentle slope |  |
5. adj. (of water) fresh, not salty |  |
6. adv. gently |  |