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Chinese Numbers 1 - 20

Below are the numbers from 1 to 20 in Chinese. At the bottom of the page you can enter in any number to find the Chinese reading for it.

Number Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
1 pronunciation
2 èr pronunciation
3 sān pronunciation
4 pronunciation
5 pronunciation
6 liù pronunciation
7 pronunciation
8 pronunciation
9 jiǔ pronunciation
10 shí pronunciation
11 十一 shí yī pronunciation
12 十二 shí èr pronunciation
13 十三 shí sān pronunciation
14 十四 shí sì pronunciation
15 十五 shí wǔ pronunciation
16 十六 shí liù pronunciation
17 十七 shí qī pronunciation
18 十八 shí bā pronunciation
19 十九 shí jiǔ pronunciation
20 二十 èr shí pronunciation

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Other ranges

1 - 10
1 - 20
1 - 100
100 - 200
200 - 300
1 - 1000