The Number 1016 in Chinese
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yī qiān líng yī shí liùNotes
- This may also be written as 一千〇一十六
- The number 1016 written in romanized Cantonese (Jyutping) is jat1 cin1 ling4 jat1 sap6 luk6
- In Simplified banker's anti-fraud numerals (大写, 大寫, dàxiě), used for commercial purposes, the number is written 壹仟零壹拾陆
- In Traditional banker's anti-fraud numerals, the number is written 壹仟零壹拾陸
- When expressing 1016 as a year, it is common to say it as a sequence of digits: 一零一六 (in Pinyin: yī líng yī liù )
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