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     1. Variant of 樂
     1. physical strength; physical power; energy
            驚人。 - For a small woman she has surprising strength.
     2. force; strength; power
           汽力 - steam power
           藥力 - efficacy of a drug
           力量 - power
           攻擊力 - firepower
     1. new; freshxīn
           Antonyms: ,
           新芽 (xīnyá) - sprout; bud
            風氣 (xīn fēngqì) - new trend; new atmosphere
            產品 (xīn chǎnpǐn) - new product
           新納粹 (xīnnàcuì) - neo-Nazi
            鮭魚 二月 上市 ? (Xīn guīyú èryuè qián bù shàngshì, duì ma?) - Fresh salmon doesn't come in before February, does it?
283 明白
     1. v. to understand; to knowmíngbai, míngbái
            明白bai ? - Do you understand what I said?
            什麼 心裡li 明白bai。 - I know for sure what you are thinking.
     2. usage. When used as a verb, to understand when reading.
     3. adj. clear; obvious; evident
     4. adj. open; explicit; frank
     5. adj. sensible; reasonable
284 过来
     1. Simplified form of 過來
     1. mugwort, especially Chinese mugwortài
     2. (obsolete) green
     3. (literary) pale; greyish white
     4. (literary) elderly person
     5. (literary) to end; to stop
           方興xīnɡ未艾 - to be in the ascendant
     6. (literary) beautiful lady
     1. Simplified form of 場
     2. Variant of 埸
     1. Variant of 嚮Xiàng
     2. Simplified form of 曏
     1. Simplified form of 總
289 妈妈
     1. Simplified form of 媽媽
     1. Variant of 汝
     1. most; -estzuì
           最佳 - optimal
     2. the most ... thing; the best
           世界 - world records
     1. Simplified form of 計
     1. Simplified form of 問
294 非常
     1. adv. extremely; very; highlyfēicháng
           非常 感謝 - to be extremely grateful; thank you very much
           非常 努力 de 工作 - to work extremely hard
            用詞 非常 犀利。 - His wording in the letter is very sharp.
            文化 非常 好聽。 - He's well-educated, and speaks very smoothly.
            胸懷 十分 豁達並且 意念 非常 堅強 領袖。 - He's a very broad-minded and strong-willed leader.
     2. adj. (formal) unusual; special; not the run of the mill; extraordinary; exceptional
     1. Simplified form of 門
     1. to live; to existhuó
     2. life; existence
     3. to make live; to provide food for
     4. having life; live
     5. lively
     6. flexible; movable
     7. flexible; adaptable; fluid
     1. to put on top of another objectjiā
     2. to add; to put in
            - to add salt
     3. to increase; to raise
     4. to impose; to foist; to grant
     5. (placed after a monosyllabic adverb to indicate an increase in the degree); more
     6. (arithmetic) to add
     1. Short for 迪斯科, disco
           迪廳 - discotheque
     1. Simplified form of 須
     2. Simplified form of 鬚
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