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     1. watershuǐ
            謝謝。 (Qǐng gěi wǒ yī bēi shuǐ, xièxiè.) - A glass of water, please.
           喝水 - hēshuǐ - to drink water
           冰水 - bīngshuǐ - iced water
           冷水 - lěngshuǐ - cold water
           凍水 - dung3 seoi2 - cold water, C
           熱水 - rèshuǐ - hot water
421 不行
     1. adj. unacceptable; out of the question; won't do不xíng
            ^ 不行! - Old Wang, this won't do!
           恐怕 搬家 萬萬 不行 。 - Unfortunately, moving is out of the question.
     2. adj. no good; poor; incapable; incompetent
     3. v. (euphemism) to be about to die, (usually followed by 了)
     4. v. (archaic) to not implement; to not put into practice; to not practice
     5. adv. awfully; a lot; terribly
422 肯定
     1. adj. (attributive) certain; affirmative; positivekěndìng
     2. adj. fixed; certain; sure
     3. adv. surely; definitely; must be
           一路 肯定 不容易。 - The journey must have been difficult.
           我們 肯定 沒有 什麼 廣告 。 - We definitely wouldn't have money for advertising.
     4. v. to approve; to confirm; to affirm
     5. v. to be certain
423 今晚
     1. n. tonight; this eveningjīnwǎn
            今晚 ? - Will you come this evening?
           今晚maan5-1 aa3? - What are we eating tonight?
     1. (obsolete) lushměi
     2. every; each
           每日 - every day; daily
           每次 - every time
     3. every time; each time
     4. often; frequently
     1. same; identicaltóng
           同類 - people or things of the same kind
            一個 世界 一個 夢想。 - One World, One Dream. (literally "The Same World, The Same Dream")
            - the same old songs
     2. to be the same as
           同上 - to be the same as above (aforementioned)
     3. together; with each other
     1. pompwēi
     2. power
     3. powerful
     4. to dominate; to display power
     5. (Cantonese) imposing; awe-inspiring
     6. (Cantonese) to be imposing; to be awe-inspiring
     7. (Hokkien) Alternative form of 揻 (ui, t=to prick; to poke; to bore)
     1. Simplified form of 買
     1. owner; masterzhǔ
     2. host
     3. (archaic, honorific) you (honorific second-person pronoun addressing a "senior official" (大夫) or his spouse)
     4. (Christianity, Islam) Lord
     5. emperor
     6. (colloquial, pejorative) person of a specified type
     7. agent; agency
429 警察
     1. n. police; police forcejǐngchá
           警察 暴力 - police brutality
           警察 武力 驅趕 示威者。 - The police cleared out the demonstrators by force.
           .shang -著着zhe 死人. 警察 。 - A dead person is lying on the road, and the police has just arrived.
     2. n. police officer
           便衣 警察 - plainclothes police officer
     3. usage. Whilst 警察 usually refers to the police and police officers outside mainland China, the equivalent institution in mainland China is officially known as 公安, literally, "public security".
     1. Simplified form of 靜
     1. (literary) flower; blossomyīng
     2. (of a person) outstanding
           英才 - person of outstanding ability
           英姿 - heroic bearing
     3. fine; excellent
           英名 - illustrious name
     4. (literary) finest part; quintessence
432 明天
     1. n. (literally) tomorrowmíngtiān
            明天 安排 ? - Are you doing anything tomorrow?
           如果 明天 哪兒r 一聲。 - If you think of going anywhere tomorrow, let me know.
            明天 一起 吃飯 知道 沒有 時間。 - I'd like to invite you out to have a meal tomorrow, if you have time.
     2. n. (figuratively) (near) future
           今天 好好 工作明天 工作 難保。 - If you don't work hard today, you may not have a job to come back to tomorrow.
433 回去
     1. v. to return; to go back; to go; to leavehuíqù
           -bu 回去 - to be unable to find the way back
            回去 。 - You go back first.
           要不 還是 回去 。 - I think it's best I leave.
     2. v. to go back (used after a verb to indicate direction away from speaker)
            回去 - to walk back
            回去 - to take back
     1. Simplified form of 軍
     1. Simplified form of 鐘
     2. Simplified form of 鍾
     1. perverse, recalcitrant, rebellious
     2. 6th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "contrariety" (?)
437 穿
     1. to penetrate; to piercechuān
     2. to pass through; to cross
     3. to string; to chain
           唔該 穿 鞋帶daai3-2。 - Help me put my shoelace back through the holes.
     4. to wear; to put on (clothing); to have (clothing) on
           我們 穿 綠色 運動鞋。 - We wear green sneakers.
     5. (placed after verbs to indicate “thoroughly; completely”)
     1. Variant of 條
     1. Cyperus rotundussuō
     2. a kind of tree
     3. to wither
     4. Alternative form of 蓑
     5. (zh-used2, n, p, t)shā
     6. Only used in 捼莎suī
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