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     1. Simplified form of 傳
821 至少
     1. adv. at least; (to say the) leastzhìshǎo
            至少 需要 出來 。 - At least someone needs to come out and take the lead.
            贊同 同學 觀點至少 觀點 不夠 全面。 - I don't agree with this student's point of view — at the very least, his point of view is not comprehensive enough.
     1. doze; nap; noddǔn
           打盹 - to doze off; to nod off
     1. to wrap
     2. kerchief, handkerchief, headscarf
     3. Short for 帕斯卡, pascal (SI unit)
     4. Phrae province
     5. Phrae city
824 原因
     1. n. cause; reason (for something happening)yuányīn
           查明 原因 - to ascertain the cause
           原因 分析 - cause analysis
           失事 原因 不明。 - The cause of the crash is not known.
           蒂姆·^伯頓 導演 電影 出名 原因 這些 影片 很多 曲線。 - The movies Tim Burton directs are famous for their many curves.
           急轉彎 避免 動物 造成 車禍 主要 原因。 - Swerving to avoid animals is a major cause of crashes.
     1. to stay; to remainliú
     2. to ask someone to stay; to detain
     3. to keep; to save; to hold in reserve; to retain; to maintain
     4. to leave behind (a package, a message, an impression, etc.)
            可以 電話 ? - Can you give me your phone number?
     5. Short for 留學, to study abroad
           留美 - to study in the US
     1. Simplified form of 溫
     2. usage. This character is also the preferred form used in modern Hong Kong, where traditional Chinese is used.
     1. Variant of 雖
     1. Variant of 節
829 接受
     1. v. to accept (treatment, gift, punishment, etc.); to receive (gl, education, honours, invitation, interview, etc.); to take gl, criticismjiēshòu
           接受 治療 - to accept treatment
            指控 接受 賄賂 - to be accused of accepting bribes
           接受 教育 - to receive education
           接受 某人 採訪 - to be interviewed by someone
           接受 批評 - to take criticism
           接受 程度 - level of acceptance
     1. to doubt; to question
     2.    doubtful
     3.    question; query
     4. to suspect
     5.    suspicious
     6. 62nd tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "doubt, unconfidence" (?)
     1. Simplified form of 絲
     1. to wrap up; to enwrap; to bundle upbāo
     2. to include; to encompass
     3. to cover; to place under cover
     4. to assure; to ensure; to guarantee
            滿意 - You're guaranteed to be pleased -
     5. to reserve or dedicate for a specific purpose
     6. to make a wrapped item
     1. Variant of 亂
     1. interest; delight
     2. interesting; amusing
     3. aspiration and interests; inclination
     1. Simplified form of 嚇
     1. Simplified form of 術
     2. Simplified form of 朮
     3. Variant of 秫
     1. (dialectal Mandarin, Min Nan, Wu) whatshá, shà
            物件? - What is this (thing)?, MN
            ? (3non&5laq&2tsu+2sa) - What are you doing?, SH
            ? - Eating what food?, W-SZ
            shà 來著着zhe? - What did you just say?, M-UIB
     1. Short for 蒙古, Mongolia Specifically, it can mean the country of Mongolia, or Inner Mongolia of China, or terms related to Mongols.měng, méng
            ^měng 邊界 - Sino-Mongolian border
           滿 ^měng 聯姻 - Intermarriage between Manchus and Mongols
     2. Simplified form of 濛
     3. Simplified form of 懞
     4. Simplified form of 矇
     1. group; party; classbān
     2. (military) squad
     3. shift; work shift
     4. Alternative form of 斑 (spotted; striped)
            ^ - Ban Gu (historian)
     5. usage. (sense, military) Under the National Revolutionary Army, a platoon (排) was composed of three squads. With the infantry, the infantry squad would be composed of 14 soldiers, of 10 riflemen, and one li
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