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300 kuuntele
     1. v. indicative present connegative of kuunnella
     2. v. second person singular imperative present of kuunnella
     3. v. second person singular imperative present connegative of kuunnella
301 hieman
     1. adv. a little, bit, tad, slightly
302 päivää
     1. n. partitive singular form of päivä
     2. n. time of day, hello; as in expression sanoa, sanoa päivää, to give the time of day
           Jos et ole hänen mielestään kylliksi rikas, hän ei sano sinulle edes päivää.
             If he doesn't think you are rich enough, he won't even give you the time of day.
             If he doesn't think you are rich enough, he won't even say hello to you.
303 silloin
     1. adv. then, at that time
           Hän oli silloin onnellinen.
     2. adv. * He was happy then.
304 nähdään
     1. interj. see ya, see you later
     2. v. passive present indicative of nähdä
305 niinkö
     1. adv. - + the suffix -kö
306 apua
     1. interj. help!
     2. interj. oh no! oh God!
           Apua, en tiedä enää mitä sanoisin!
             Oh God, I don't know what to say anymore!
     3. n. partitive singular form of apu
307 kertaa
     1. n. partitive singular form of kerta
     2. n. times
           Kaksi kertaa kolme on kuusi
             Two times three is six
           Yksi kertaa yksi on yksi
308 lisää
     1. adv. more (nouns in partitive can be used with this):
           Hän joi lisää vettä.
             S/he drank more water.
     2. v. third-person singular indicative present of lisätä
309 tohtori
     1. n. doctor (degree)
     2. n. (informal) physician
310 pitänyt
     1. v. past active participle of pitää
311 piti
     1. v. third-person singular indicative past of pitää
312 enkä
     1. v. - + the suffix -kä
           Tule! Enkä (tule)! — Come! I won't (come)!.
     2. conj. See -kä.
           En halua lääkäriksi enkä opettajaksi. — I don't want to become a physician or a teacher.
313 tavata
     1. v. To meet (someone).
           Tapaan hänet teatterin edessä.
             I'll meet her in front of the theater.
     2. v. To have a habit (of doing something), to usually (do) (something), used to (do) (something) (past tense sense)
           Lapsuudessa tapasin syödä aamuisin leipää ja kaakaota.
314 yksin
     1. num. instructive plural form of yksi
     2. adv. alone
315 olisin
     1. v. first-person singular conditional present of olla
           Minä olisin iloinen, jos olisin siellä.
     2. v. * I would be happy if I were there.
316 ensin
     1. adv. first
     2. adv. before
     3. v. first-person singular indicative past of entää
317 yhden
     1. num. genitive singular form of yksi
318 siksi
     1. pron. translative singular form of se
     2. adv. therefore, that's why.
     3. adv. consequently (as a consequence)
319 parempi
     1. adj. comparative degree of hyvä
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