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320 voinut
     1. v. past active participle of voida
321 pieni
     1. adj. little, small
     2. v. third-person singular indicative past of pieniä
     3. v. indicative present connegative of pieniä
     4. v. second-person singular imperative present of pieniä
     5. v. second-person singular imperative present connegative of pieniä
322 teki
     1. v. third-person singular indicative of tehdä
323 sanoit
     1. v. second-person singular indicative of sanoa
           Mitä sanoit?
             What did you say?
324 e
325 odottaa
     1. v. to wait for, await, expect, anticipate
           Hän odottaa sinua.
             She is waiting for you.
           ~ innolla, mielenkiinnolla, jännityksellä etc. (+ partitive) = to look forward to (to anticipate, expect, or wait for, especially with a feeling of approval or pleasure)
     2. v. to expect (someone = genitive, to do something = active present participle singular in genitive, -van/-vän); to anticipate.
326 jonkun
     1. pron. genitive singular form of joku
327 vie
     1. v. third-person singular indicative present of viedä
     2. v. indicative present connegative of viedä
     3. v. second-person singular imperative present of viedä
     4. v. second-person singular imperative present connegative of viedä
328 tosi
     1. n. The truth, reality, the real thing.
           If not the subject of the clause, this word is seldom inflected. Some of the cases are considered adverbs:
             näyttää toteen = to prove.
             olla totta = to be true.
             ottaa todesta = to take seriously.
329 ketään
     1. pron. partitive singular form of kenkään
330 paras
     1. adj. superlative degree of hyvä
           Hän on maailman paras juoksija.
             He is the best runner in the world.
331 senkin
     1. n. genitive singular form of senkki
     2. pron. genitive and genitive-looking accusative singular form of se + the suffix -kin
           Senkin miehen...
             Also, that man's...
           Näin senkin.
332 tuntuu
     1. v. third-person singular indicative present of tuntua
333 ainoa
     1. adj. only, sole
     2. adj. only (having no siblings)
           Pekka on ainoa lapseni.
             Pekka is my only child.
334 meni
     1. v. third person singular indicative past of mennä
335 tulkaa
     1. v. second-person plural imperative of tulla
336 saan
     1. v. first-person singular indicative present of saada
337 neiti
     1. n. miss
338 kaveri
     1. n. pal, friend, buddy, mate
           Mene leikkimään kavereittesi kanssa! — “Go play with your pals!”
     2. n. dude, bloke
           Kukas tuo kaveri on? — “Who's that dude?”
339 uusi
     1. adj. new
     2. v. third person singular indicative past of uusia
     3. v. indicative present connegative of uusia
     4. v. second person singular imperative present of uusia
     5. v. second person singular imperative present connegative of uusia
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