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340 paikka
     1. n. place, location, spot, site
     2. n. area, region, locality, neighbourhood/neighborhood
     3. n. space, room
     4. n. scene (where something happens/has happened)
     5. n. (politics) seat
341 hetki
     1. n. moment (particular point of time)
           Missä olit sillä hetkellä, kun..
             Where were you at the moment when..
     2. n. moment, minute (brief, unspecified amount of time)
           viime hetki
     1. pron. (personal) I (first person singular personal pronoun)
343 oletteko
     1. v. second-person plural present of olla + the suffix -ko
           Oletteko naimisissa?
             Are you married?
344 ohi
     1. n. (archaic) side, flank
     2. adv. (spatial) used to indicate movement past or beyond a certain point
           Minun piti kääntyä toisesta risteyksestä oikealle, mutta ajoinkin ohi. (llit. drove past)
             I was supposed to turn right from the second intersection but I missed it.
     3. adv. (temporal) over
345 mikään
     1. pron. (indefinite) Anything, any (modifies a noun referring to an animal or an inanimate object).
           Voiko mikään koira olla noin viisas?
             Is there any dog that can be as smart as that?
     2. pron. (indefinite) Nothing, not ... anything, no (modifies a noun referring to an animal or an inanimate object).
           Mikään koira ei ole noin viisas.
346 jota
     1. pron. partitive singular form of joka
     2. pron. (relative) who, which, that.
           Nainen, jota en näe,...
              The woman (who/that) I don't see...
     3. pron. (relative) who(m), which, that.
347 pyydän
     1. v. first-person singular indicative present of pyytää
348 pari
     1. n. couple, pair
     2. n. battery cell
     3. n. (card games, poker) pair (two cards of the same rank)
     4. adv. A couple of.
           Olen käynyt Pietarissa pari kertaa.
349 vanha
     1. adj. old
350 milloin
     1. adv. when
351 kuuluu
     1. v. third-person singular indicative present of kuulua
352 yhä
     1. adv. still (continuing uninterruptedly from a previous state)
           Hän on yhä sairaana.
             He is still sick.
           Olen yhä samaa mieltä.
             I'm still of the same opinion.
353 irti
     1. adv. Loose in the sense of not being fixed or stuck, unfastened, free.
     2. adv. clear (not touching, e.g. during defibrillation)
354 nopeasti
     1. adv. rapidly, quickly
     2. adv. promptly
355 ajattelin
     1. v. first-person singular indicative past of ajatella
356 saanut
     1. v. past active participle of saada
357 minäkin
     1. pron. nominative singular form of minä + the suffix -kin
358 hiljaa
     1. adv. quietly, quiet, silently
     2. adv. slowly
359 jumala
     1. n. A god.
     2. n. A deity (god).
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