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301 capa de hielo
          1. n-f. ice cap, ice sheet, layer of ice
302 poco o nada
          1. adv. hardly at all; barely at all
303 de reojo
          1. adv. askance, out of the corner of one's eye
                Me miró de reojo. (He looked at me out of the corner of his eye.)
304 piedra de toque
          1. n-f. touchstone
305 mano a mano
          1. adj. hand to hand (competition), or sometimes hand in hand (cooperation); on equal terms, close together
          2. n-m. (bullfighting) a corrida in which two rival matadors alternate in fighting several bulls each
306 echar a perder
          1. v. (idiom) to spoil, ruin
307 agujero negro
          1. n-m. (astronomy) black hole
308 artes marciales
          1. n. plural of arte marcial
309 sobre ruedas
          1. adv. (idiom, of a project or activity) well, smoothly; swimmingly
310 jaque mate
          1. n-m. (chess) checkmate, mate
311 con esmero
312 a dos velas
          1. adv. broke, penniless
          2. adv. on one's tod; on one's own
313 alto el fuego
          1. n-m. ceasefire
314 supuesto que
          1. conj. since, inasmuch as
315 punto de inflexión
          1. n-m. inflection (a change in curvature from concave to convex or from convex to concave)
          2. n-m. turning point, tipping point
316 dolores de cabeza
          1. n. plural of dolor de cabeza
317 punto fijo
          1. n-m. (mathematics) fixed point
318 círculo vicioso
          1. n-m. vicious circle
319 guardia civil
          1. n-f. civil guard (Spanish national police force)
320 polígono regular
          1. n-m. (geometry) regular polygon
321 fuerza centrífuga
          1. n-f. centrifugal force
322 rueda de prensa
          1. n-f. press conference, news conference
323 hasta la vista
          1. Phrase. so long, goodbye, see you later, until next time
324 piel de gallina
          1. n-f. goose bumps; raised skin, usually on the neck or arms caused by cold or fear
325 adentro de
          1. prep. into
326 en un abrir y cerrar de ojos
          1. adv. in the wink of an eye, in the blink of an eye, in the twinkling of an eye
          2. adv. at the drop of a hat, at a moment's notice, in a heartbeat
327 parque de atracciones
          1. n-m. amusement park
328 pasado mañana
          1. adv. day after tomorrow
          2. n-m. day after tomorrow
329 así es la vida
          1. Phrase. c'est la vie, that's life, such is life
330 con el agua al cuello
          1. adv. up to one's neck
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