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331 a más no poder
          1. adv. (idiom) as much as possible, as could be; to the utmost; to the max
332 para abajo
          1. n-m. a dance movement in salsa, involving forward basic movement (boy with left) while turning the girl to the right
          2. adv. down
          3. adv. downward
333 aparte de esto
          1. adv. otherwise (in all other respects)
334 ropa interior
          1. n-f. underwear
335 peso específico
          1. n-m. specific gravity
336 herederos forzosos
          1. n. plural of heredero forzoso
337 modo imperativo
          1. n-m. (grammar) imperative mood
338 ni fu ni fa
          1. adj. (colloquial) so-so
          2. adj. (idiomatic, colloquial) OK, nothing special
          3. interj. (colloquial) whatever
339 por si las moscas
          1. adv. (colloquial idiom) just in case
340 arma blanca
          1. n-f. bladed weapon; knife, sword etc.
341 tener algo que ver con
          1. v. to have something to do with, to concern, to have some relationship with
                Pensé que la broma tendría algo que ver con el boquete. - I thought that the joke would have something to do with the hole.
342 fútbol sala
          1. n-m. futsal. five-a-side football
343 caja negra
          1. n-f. black box
344 tener lugar
          1. v. (idiom) to take place, to occur
345 jugar con fuego
          1. v. to play with fire
346 bestia de carga
          1. n-f. a beast of burden
347 jamón serrano
          1. n-m. a type of dry-cured ham from Spain
348 martillo neumático
          1. n-m. jackhammer
349 agua destilada
          1. n-f. distilled water
350 cinta adhesiva
          1. n-f. adhesive tape (sticky tape)
351 libras esterlinas
          1. n. plural of libra esterlina
352 y comercial
          1. n-f. ampersand
353 clases particulares
          1. n. private tuition
354 luces traseras
          1. n. plural of luz trasera
355 qué es eso
          1. Phrase. what is that?
356 me gustas
          1. Phrase. I like you; I fancy you
357 cubo de la basura
358 molino de viento
          1. n-m. windmill
          2. n-m. wind turbine, wind generator (device)
                (synonyms, molino eólico, aerogenerador)
359 dolor de estómago
360 dientes incisivos
          1. n. plural of diente incisivo
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