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421 central eléctrica
          1. n-f. power plant
422 año nuevo
          1. n-m. New Year
423 bomba atómica
          1. n-f. atomic bomb
424 hombre de guerra
          1. n-m. a man of war, a military man
425 tirar la toalla
          1. v. to throw in the towel; to give up; to quit
426 lombriz solitaria
          1. n-f. tapeworm
427 Santiago de Chile
428 sin demora
          1. adv. immediately, straight away, without delay
429 agujeros negros
          1. n. plural of agujero negro
430 calentamiento global
          1. n-m. global warming (a sustained increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere sufficient to cause climate change.)
431 por no hablar de
          1. conj. not to mention
432 cámara de comercio
          1. n-f. chamber of commerce
433 a pedir de boca
          1. adv. just fine, as planned, swimmingly
434 banco de datos
          1. n-m. database
435 corrida de toros
          1. n-f. bullfight (bullfighting event)
436 bolas de nieve
          1. n. plural of bola de nieve
437 parte médico
          1. n-m. medical report
438 nuez moscada
          1. n-f. nutmeg (seed of the nutmeg tree)
439 silla eléctrica
          1. n-f. electric chair (device used for execution by electrocution)
440 puntos suspensivos
          1. n. ellipsis (a mark used in printing to indicate an omission)
441 ala delta
          1. n-f. hang glider (aircraft)
          2. n-f. hang gliding
442 estar de pie
          1. v. (idiom) to stand (to be upright, support oneself on the feet in an erect position)
443 ropa vieja
          1. n-f. ropa vieja
444 cuenta regresiva
          1. n-f. countdown
445 ley orgánica
          1. n-f. organic law
          2. n-f. (Spain) a law that must be passed by the Congress of Deputies with a supermajority
446 dedo pulgar
          1. n-m. thumb
          2. n-m. big toe
447 vértebras cervicales
          1. n. plural of vértebra cervical
448 en la punta de la lengua
          1. adj. on the tip of one's tongue
449 horno de microondas
          1. n-m. microwave oven, microwave
450 guerra mundial
          1. n-f. world war
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