451 |
estar en pedo |
1. v. (slang) to be drunk |
452 |
verde pálido |
1. |
453 |
hacer la vista gorda |
1. v. to turn a blind eye, to shut one's eyes, to look the other way |
454 |
triángulo equilátero |
1. n-m. (geometry) equilateral triangle |
455 |
sistema inmunitario |
1. n-m. (anatomy) immune system |
456 |
molinillo de café |
1. n-m. coffee grinder |
457 |
bombas atómicas |
1. n. plural of bomba atómica |
458 |
en vilo |
1. adv. in the air without subjection or support |
2. adv. in suspense, with inquietude; on pins and needles |
(synonyms, en ascuas) |
459 |
a regañadientes |
1. adv. reluctantly, grudgingly |
460 |
reloj de pulsera |
1. n-m. wristwatch |
461 |
cómo le va |
1. Phrase. how's it going? |
462 |
de buenas a primeras |
1. adv. out of the blue |
2. adv. at the drop of a hat, at a moment's notice, in a heartbeat, all of a sudden |
463 |
tomar la palabra |
1. v. to take someone's word for it; to believe what somebody says |
Te tomo la palabra - I'll take your word for it. |
464 |
efecto invernadero |
1. n-m. greenhouse effect |
465 |
yemas de los dedos |
1. |
466 |
leones marinos |
1. n. plural of león marino |
467 |
padre nuestro |
1. n-m. Alternative form of padrenuestro |
468 |
ballena asesina |
1. n-f. orca, killer whale |
469 |
en frente de |
1. prep. in front of |
470 |
tinto de verano |
1. n-m. tinto de verano |
471 |
vaya con Dios |
1. Phrase. Godspeed |
472 |
yema del dedo |
1. n-f. fingertip |
473 |
pan tostado |
1. n-m. toast |
474 |
campo eléctrico |
1. n-m. electric field |
475 |
ir al grano |
1. v. (idiom) to cut to the chase, to get to the point, to get down to business, to get down to brass tacks, to get to it |
476 |
alambre de púas |
1. n-m. barbed wire, barbwire |
477 |
por las nubes |
1. adj. sky-high, through the roof, off the charts, at an extortionate price |
Las casas están por las nubes. - House prices are through the roof. |
478 |
montañas rusas |
1. n. plural of montaña rusa |
479 |
paso de peatones |
1. n-m. pedestrian crossing |
480 |
campos de batalla |
1. n. plural of campo de batalla |