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200 parecía
     1. v. third-person singular imperfect indicative of parecer
201 luego
     1. adv. then (afterward)
           Me jubilé, luego volví a trabajar. - I retired, then I went back to work.
           Gira la cabeza hacia la derecha, luego hacia la izquierda. - Turn your head right, then left.
     2. adv. later, later on (at some point in the future)
           Te veo luego. - I'll see you later.
202 calle
     1. n-f. street
     2. n-f. lane (in a pool or racetrack, but not a highway)
     3. v. third-person singular present subjunctive of callar
203 parece
     1. v. third-person singular present indicative of parecer
204 primera
     1. n-f. lowest gear in a motor vehicle
     2. n-f. first class
     3. adj. feminine singular of primero
205 voz
     1. n-f. voice
     2. n-f. term; word
206 camino
     1. n-m. way, route
     2. n-m. road
     3. n-m. path
     4. v. first-person singular present indicative of caminar
207 frente
     1. n-f. (anatomy) forehead, brow
     2. n-m. front
     3. n-m. (architecture) front
     4. n-m. (military) front
     5. n-m. (weather) front
208 gente
     1. n-f. people
209 mayor
     1. adj. comparative of grande: bigger
     2. adj. comparative of viejo: older; elder
           mi novio es mayor que yo - my boyfriend is older than me
           tengo una hermana mayor - I've got an elder sister
     3. adj. (of a person) comparative of viejo: old; at an advanced age
210 caso
     1. n-m. case (situation or fact)
           en mi caso - in my case
           es un caso especial - it's a special case
     2. n-m. (medicine) case (instance of a medical condition)
           Aumentan los casos de diabetes entre niños. - The number of cases of diabetes among children is rising
211 punto
     1. n-m. point (a specific spot, location, or place)
     2. n-m. point (a unit of scoring)
           Tienes cinco puntos. - You have five points.
           Ese artículo cuesta tres puntos. - That item costs three points.
     3. n-m. (grammar) point (a full stop or period)
212 estos
     1. det. masculine plural of este
     2. pron. (demonstrative) Alternative spelling of éstos, , these ones
213 soy
     1. v. first-person singular present indicative of ser
           Yo no soy marinero, soy capitán. (I am not a sailor, I am a captain.)
214 nombre
     1. n-m. name
           (hyponyms, apellido)
           ¿Cuál es tu nombre? - What is your name?
           Mi nombre es Carlos. - My name is Carlos.
     2. n-m. (grammar) noun
215 estaban
     1. v. third-person plural imperfect indicative of estar
216 algún
     1. det. (before the noun) apocopic form of alguno; some, any
           ¿Haces algún deporte? - Do you do any sport?
217 tengo
     1. v. first-person singular present indicative of tener
218 dijo
     1. v. third-person singular preterite indicative of decir
219 cuenta
     1. n-f. count, tally
     2. n-f. (mathematics) operation
     3. n-f. bill
           Nos trae la cuenta, por favor - Bring us the bill, please
     4. n-f. tab (e.g. at a bar or pub)
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