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180 nadie
     1. pron. no one, nobody; anyone, anybody
           No hay nadie en el cuarto. - There is no one in the room.
           No conozco a nadie de España. - I do not know anyone from Spain.
           Nadie sabe que su hermano es gay. - Nobody knows that his/her brother is gay.
181 aún
     1. adv. still, yet
           Aún no ha llegado. - He has not arrived yet.
182 corazón
     1. n-m. (anatomy) heart (organ of the body)
     2. n-m. emotions, kindness, spirit
     3. n-m. the center of an object
     4. n-m.          core (of a fruit)
     5. n-m.          artichoke heart
183 alguna
     1. det. feminine singular of alguno
     2. pron. feminine singular of alguno
184 señora
     1. n-f. Mrs (title given to a married, divorced or widowed woman)
     2. n-f. lady
     3. adj. feminine singular of señor
185 e
     1. conj. and
           Yo hablo francés e inglés. - I speak French and English.
186 modo
     1. n-m. way, manner
           a mi modo de ver - the way I see it
     2. n-m. (grammar) mood
     3. n-m. (following "ni") (no) matter; (there is no) solution (but oh well)
           Ni modo, es un trabajo sucio pero alguien tiene que hacerlo. - No matter, it's a dirty job but somebody has to do it.
187 hacía
     1. v. third-person singular imperfect indicative of hacer
188 muerte
     1. n-f. death (the cessation of life)
     2. n-f. (often, capitalized) death (the personification of death as a hooded figure)
     3. n-f. death, demise (the collapse or end of something)
           Mi esposa dice que será mi muerte. - My wife says it will be the death of me.
189 visto
     1. adj. seen
     2. adj. obvious, clear
     3. adj. exposed, bare
     4. adj. known about, talked about, seen around
     5. Participle. past participle of ver
190 palabras
     1. n. plural of palabra
191 pronto
     1. adj. prompt, on time
     2. adj. ready
     3. adv. soon, promptly, any time soon
           de pronto - suddenly
192 hijo
     1. n-m. son
     2. n-m. child (when the gender of the child is unknown)
193 durante
     1. prep. during, in, over
           Durante el verano nos gusta ir al parque acuático. - In the summer we like to go to the water park.
           durante la noche - overnight
     2. prep. for (as a duration)
           Acabo de enterarme de que me ha estado mintiendo durante años. - I just found out that he's been lying to me for years.
194 tierra
     1. n-f. (geography) land, ground (the part of Earth which is not covered by oceans or other bodies of water)
     2. n-f. (geology) earth, soil (the unconsolidated mineral or organic material on the immediate surface of the earth)
     3. n-f. land, terrain (an area of land or the particular features of it)
     4. n-f. (agriculture, also, in the plural) land, terrain (reserved for growing crops)
     5. n-f. homeland (one's country of birth)
195 alma
     1. n-f. soul
     2. n-f. (engineering) web (strip of material between flanges)
     3. adj. feminine singular of almo
196 agua
     1. n-f. water
           Quiere un vaso de agua fresca. - He wants a glass of cold water.
     2. n-f. body of water
     3. n-f. rain
     4. n-f. (slang) urine
197 cuerpo
     1. n-m. body (the physical structure of a human or animal)
     2. n-m. body, torso
     3. n-m. body, corpse
     4. n-m. body (unified collection of information)
     5. n-m. body (comparative viscosity of a liquid)
198 va
     1. v. third-person singular present indicative of ir
     2. interj. (Mexico) okay
199 embargo
     1. n-m. embargo
     2. n-m. trade embargo
     3. n-m. distraint
     4. n-m. seizure, freezing (juridical detention of goods)
     5. n-m. foreclosure
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