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160 verdad
     1. n-f. truth
     2. n-f. fact
     3. interj. right
     1. pron. Second person pronoun in singular tense (informal communication in Spain and Mexico). you
162 fuera
     1. adv. outside
     2. v. third-person singular imperfect subjunctive of ir
163 joven
     1. adj. young, youthful
           Mis tías son jóvenes. - My aunts are young.
     2. n. youth, young person, youngster
164 mientras
     1. adv. meanwhile
     2. conj. (with the indicative) while, whilst, as (at the same time as)
           Quédate aquí con los chicos mientras hablo con la gerente. - Stay here with the kids while I talk with the manager.
     3. conj. (with the subjunctive) as long as, so long as (expressing a condition)
           Mientras llueva, me quedaré en casa. - As long as it rains, I'll stay at home.
165 nuevo
     1. adj. new
     2. adj. brand new, all-new
     3. adj. fresh
           un nuevo comienzo - a fresh start
166 eran
     1. v. third-person plural imperfect indicative of ser
167 mal
     1. adj. (before the noun) apocopic form of malo bad; evil
     2. adj. amiss, awry, off, wrong
           Me di cuenta de que algo estaba mal. - I realized something was amiss.
     3. adv. badly, poorly, ill
           No hables mal de los muertos. - Don't speak ill of the dead.
168 amor
     1. n-m. love
     2. n-m. love affair
169 mañana
     1. adv. tomorrow
           pasado mañana - the day after tomorrow
           mañana por la mañana - tomorrow morning
     2. adv. soon, shortly
     3. n-f. the morning
170 lugar
     1. n-m. place
171 misma
     1. adj. feminine singular of mismo
172 hubiera
     1. v. third-person singular imperfect subjunctive of haber
173 bajo
     1. adj. short (of little height)
     2. adj. low, ground (situated close to the ground)
     3. adj. low, bottom, poor (not high in status, amount or quality)
     4. adj. (music) bass
     5. adj. base, mean, low, despicable
174 hora
     1. n-f. hour (a time period of sixty minutes)
           Hay veinticuatro horas por el día. (There are twenty-four hours in a day.)
     2. n-f. time (the moment, as indicated by a clock or similar device)
           ¿Qué hora es? (What time is it?)
           Ya es hora de ir. (It's time to go.)
175 cual
     1. adv. (formal, literary) like, as, in the manner of
     2. pron. (formal, literary) suchlike, like (which), such as
           Tal vez podrías probar de otra manera, cual es simplemente ignorarlo. - Maybe you could try another way, like to simply ignore it.
           En cuanto a películas, me interesan mucho las de terror, cuales son la mayoría de las que se venden en esta tienda. - As for movies, I'm very interested in horrors, suchlike are the majority of
176 luz
     1. n-f. light
           la luz extinguida - the extinguished light
     2. n-f. (anatomy) lumen
     3. n-f. (figurative usually in the plural) brightness, intelligence
           Vas a llegar con menos luces. - You're going to get there with less intellect.
177 tarde
     1. adj. late
           demasiado poco, demasiado tarde - too little, too late
     2. adv. late
           Siempre llega tarde. - He/she always arrives late.
     3. n-f. afternoon
178 haber
     1. v. (auxiliary) to have
           He trabajado muy duro durante este mes. - I have worked very hard during this month.
           Mi hermanito me pidió más chocolate, pero ya le había dado demasiado. - My little brother asked me for more chocolate, but I had already given him too much.
     2. v. (obsolete) to hold, to possess
     3. v. (impersonal, in third person singular only) to exist; “there is”, “there are” (hay); “there was”, “there were” (había)
     1. v. informal second-person singular positive imperative of ser
           No lo sé. - I do not know.
     2. v. informal second-person singular positive imperative of ser
           ¡Sé un voluntario! - Be a volunteer!
     3. interj. (colloquial Chile Mexico) yes
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