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680 krig  ©
     1. n-n. war
681 läsa  ©
     1. v. to read (text)
           Jag läste en rolig bok - I read a funny book
     2. v. to study, to read (usually at university)
           Jag läser biologi vid Uppsala universitet (more formally: Jag studerar biologi ...) - I am studying biology at the University of Uppsala
           Jag skall läsa en kurs i programmering (more commonly: Jag ska ta en kurs ...) - I am going to take a programming course
682 sjuk  ©
     1. adj. (pathology) sick, ill (having a disease)
     2. adj. (colloquial) sick, disturbed, mentally unstable
     3. adj. sick (in bad taste)
           ett sjukt skämt - a sick joke
683 igång
     1. adv. in motion, moving, running
           motorn är igång
             the engine is running
           motorn vill inte gå igång
             the engine won't start
684 frågor
     1. n. noun form of fråga, , indef, p
685 tjänst
     1. n-c. a favor
           Kan du göra mig en tjänst? - Could you do me a favor?
     2. n-c. a position, a job, an employment, especially a public office (including jobs such as permanently employed teachers)
           Jag har haft olika vikariat, men jag hoppas snart få en tjänst. - "I have had temporary employments, replacing people on leaves, but I hope soon getting a permanent position.".
     3. n-c. service
686 betalar
     1. v. present indicative of betala
687 absolut
     1. adj. absolute, full, complete
     2. adv. absolutely
688 stund
     1. n-c. while
     2. n-c. moment, time
689 behövde
     1. adj. singular definite of behövd
     2. v. past indicative of behöva
690 historia
     1. n-c. history
           Hon är professor i historia. - She is a professor of history.
           Landet har en lång historia av blodiga krig. - The country has a long history of bloody wars.
     2. n-c. A story, plot (of a work of fiction)
     3. n-c. A joke or anecdote
691 middag
     1. n-c. midday, noon
     2. n-c. (dated, dialectal) lunch
     3. n-c. dinner
692 strax
     1. adv. soon
693 sägs
     1. v. present passive of säga
694 fortsätta
     1. v. to continue, to proceed
695 dricka  ©
     1. v. to drink
     2. v. to regularly drink alcohol
           Nej tack, jag dricker inte. - No thanks, I don't drink.
     3. n-c. (a bottle of) soft drink or (more rarely) beer
           Vill du ha en dricka? - Do you want a bottle of soda?
696 fart
     1. n-c. speed
697 resa
     1. n-c. a travel, a journey
           lycklig resa! - bon voyage! good journey!
     2. n-c. a trip
           fängelse andra resan - serving time in jail for the second time
     3. v. to travel, be on a journey
698 förbi
     1. adv. past, over
           nu är julen förbi
             Christmas is over now
           de körde förbi mig
             they drove past me, they overtook me
699 möjligt
     1. adj. singular indefinite of möjlig
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