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60 oss  ©
     1. pron. us (objective case)
           Såg du oss där? - Did you see us there?
     2. pron. reflexive case of vi; compare ourselves
           Vi skulle vilja lära oss jonglera. - We would like to learn how to juggle.
61 göra  ©
     1. n-n. work, task
     2. v. to do (be occupied with an activity)
           Vad gör du? - What are you doing?
           Jag kunde inte göra någonting. - I couldn't do anything.
     3. v. to make, to produce, to create
62 dem
     1. pron. them; of de
     2. pron. misspelling of de
     3. art. misspelling of de
63 eller  ©
     1. conj. or
           Att vara eller inte vara. - To be or not to be.
     2. conj. nor
           Han sade varken ja eller nej. - He said neither yes nor no.
     3. Phrase. or what?
64 varför  ©
     1. adv. why (for what reason)
           Varför är du här? - Why are you here?
           De frågade mig varför jag inte var i skolan. - They asked why I was not in school.
     2. conj. why, and therefore, for what reason
           Jag vann en miljon, varför jag sedan köpte ett nytt hus. - I won one million, why I later on bought a house.
65 alla  ©
     1. pron. everyone
           Alla fick en kopp kaffe. - Everyone got a cup of coffee
     2. det. plural of all
           Har du plockat upp alla leksakerna från golvet? - Have you picked up all the toys from the floor?
66 från  ©
     1. prep. from
67 okej
     1. adj. okay, all right
           Är det okej om jag går hem nu? - Is it okay if I go home now?
     2. adv. okay, all right
           Provet gick okej. - The test went all right.
     3. interj. okay
68 upp  ©
     1. adv. up (away from earth’s centre)
           Han klättrade upp för stegen, så nu är han uppe på taket - He climbed up the ladder, so now he's up on the roof
69 tror
     1. v. present indicative of tro
70 igen
     1. adv. again
     2. adv. to a closed state, up, shut (of for example a door or something getting clogged)
           Han slängde igen dörren - He slammed the door ("threw shut the door")
           Han sparkade igen dörren - He kicked the door shut
71  ©
     1. v. go, walk, stroll
           Gå hem! - Go home!
     2. v. go, leave
     3. v. go; to be given or allotted
     4. v. go; to extend between two points
72 tack  ©
     1. interj. thanks
     2. n-n. a thanks, a thank-you (phrase or gesture that expresses gratitude)
73 sa
     1. v. somewhat;informal of informal
74 hade
     1. v. past indicative of ha
           Jag hade en katt en gång. - I had a cat once.
     2. v. past indicative of hava
75 allt  ©
     1. pron. everything, all
           Allt gick åt helvete. - Everything went to hell.
     2. det. neuter singular of all
           Har du druckit upp allt vatten? - Have you drunk up all (of the) water?
     3. adv. more and more
76 in
     1. adv. into, to in
           Han gick in - He walked in ("to in")
           Han gick inne - He was walking around inside (for comparison)
           De går in - They're walking in ("to in")
           Han gick in i rummet - He walked into the room
77 sig
     1. pron. reflexive case of han, hon, den, det, de or man; compare himself, herself, itself, themselves, oneself
           Antagligen skulle han vilja lära sig jonglera.
             Presumably he would like to learn how to juggle.
           Hon lärde sig själv. - She taught herself.
           Skar de sig på knivarna? - Did they cut themselves on the knives?
78 se  ©
     1. v. to see (not be blind)
           Han sa att han var blind, men han kan se - He said he was blind, but he can see
     2. v. to look
           Han såg på igelkotten - He looked at the hedgehog
     3. v. to see; to understand
79 ingen
     1. det. no
           Jag har inga cigaretter. - I have no cigarettes.
           Jag har ingen bil. - I have no car.
           Inget träd kan leva av vatten allena. - No tree can live by nothing but water.
     2. pron. no one, nobody, none
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