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80  ©
     1. adj. few
     2. v. to get, to receive
           Jag fick paketet idag. - I got the package today.
     3. v. to be allowed to, may; to have the opportunity to
           Du får ta så många du vill. - You may take as many as you want.
81 henne
     1. pron. her; object form of hon (=she)
           Jag såg henne igår. - I saw her yesterday.
82 lite  ©
     1. adj. little, some; a small amount
           Det finns lite vatten i flaskan. - There is a little water in the bottle.
           Jag har lite pengar kvar. - I've got a little money left.
           Jag skrev lite på hemuppgiften. - I wrote a little on the homework.
     2. adv. a little, to a small extent; somewhat
83 mycket  ©
     1. adj. singular indefinite of mycken
     2. adv. much, a lot
           Jag har mycket att göra idag. - I have much to do today.
           Han behöver mycket pengar. - He needs a lot of money.
     3. adv. (not comparable) very
84 vem  ©
     1. pron. who, whom
           Vem är du? - Who are you?
           Vem frågade du? - Whom did you ask?
85 går
     1. v. present indicative of gå
     2. adv. (dated) yesterday
86 ser
     1. v. present indicative of se
87 mitt  ©
     1. adv. in the middle (at or around the middle, spatially or more abstractly), (often) right
           Vi befann oss mitt emellan två städer - We were at around the middle point (literally) / right between two cities
           De befann sig mitt i kaoset - They were in the middle of (literally) / right in the chaos
           Det var mitt i natten - It was the middle of the night
           Jag blev slagen mitt i nyllet - I was punched right in ("in the middle of") the face
88 hej  ©
     1. interj. hi, hello
           Jag sa hej till din bror i mataffären igår. - I said hi to your brother at the super market yesterday.
     2. interj. (less common) bye
     3. interj. ng, An expression of intensity, in some expressions.
           Hej vad det går! - "Hey how it (stuff, like a party) goes!".
89 aldrig  ©
     1. adv. never
           Jag har aldrig sett det förr. - I've never seen that before.
           Malin ljuger aldrig. - Malin never lies.
90 kanske  ©
     1. adv. maybe, possibly, perhaps
91 behöver
     1. v. present indicative of behöva
92 finns
     1. v. present indicative of finnas
     2. v. present passive of finna
93 nåt
     1. n-c. a groove, a fold
     2. n-c. a seam, a joint (between boards)
     3. pron. (colloquial) (syncopic form of något, t=something, anything)
           ingen kan göra allt, men alla kan göra nåt - no one can do everything, but everyone can do something
           Finns det nåt jag kan hjälpa dig med? - Is there anything I can help you with?
94 blir
     1. v. present indicative of bli
95 än  ©
     1. adv. still, yet (about time)
           Är du kvar än?
             Are you still here?
           Det är inte midnatt än
             It is not midnight yet.
96 inget  ©
     1. det. neuter singular of ingen
     2. pron. neuter singular of ingen, , nothing
           inget annat - nothing else
97 efter  ©
     1. prep. after; subsequent; later in time than or later in a sequence than
     2. prep. by; using the rules or logic of
     3. prep. by; as in one by one, one after another
           en efter en - one by one
     4. prep. as to; in a manner conforming or corresponding to
98 bli  ©
     1. v. (sometimes dated) to remain, to stay
           Nisse kom och blev stående i dörröppningen - Nisse came and stopped and remained standing in the doorway (not dated)
           Arbetet blev liggande - The work stayed lying (not being worked on) (not dated)
           Skomakare, bli vid din läst! - Cobbler, stick to thy last!
     2. v. to become; to turn into (with an optional preposition till)
99 något  ©
     1. pron. any, some, anything, something (neuter form of någon). Contraction: nåt
           Fick du något svar på din fråga när du ringde supporten?
             Did you receive any answer to your question when you called the support line?
           Här har du något att läsa medan du väntar på tandläkaren
             Here you've got something to read while you wait for the dentist
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