360 |
ประธาน |
1. adj. chief, leading, main, or presiding. |
พระประธาน (prá bprà-taan) - The presiding Buddha image (of a temple, Buddhist hall, etc.). |
2. n. one who leads or presides over (a body of persons, organisation, meeting, ceremony, rite, etc.). |
ประธานศาลอาญาระหว่างประเทศ (bprà-taan sǎan-aa-yaa-rá-wàang-bprà-têet) - The President of the International Criminal Court. |
ประธานสภาผู้แทนราษฎร (bprà-taan sà-paa-pûu-tɛɛn-râat-sà-dɔɔn) - The Speaker of the House of Representatives. |
361 |
แดง |
1. adj. red |
362 |
บังคับ |
1. n. command; control; domination; jurisdiction. |
คนในบังคับอังกฤษ |
British subject. |
(literally) Person under British control. |
2. n. prosody; poetic metres and versification. |
363 |
ชุมชน |
1. n. community |
364 |
บท |
1. n. chapter (of a book) |
2. n. lesson (in a textbook) |
365 |
โต |
1. adj. big, large |
2. n. (archaic) lion |
366 |
ทหาร |
1. n. soldier; military; army |
367 |
ประตู |
1. n. door |
368 |
ขาว |
1. adj. white |
369 |
ปลา |
1. n. fish |
370 |
ฉบับ |
1. n. edition, copy, issue, version |
2. classifier. classifier used with letters, newspapers: copy, issue |
371 |
ข่าว |
1. n. news |
372 |
หัวใจ |
1. n. (anatomy) heart |
373 |
ดิฉัน |
1. pron. I, me (females only) |
374 |
คุย |
1. v. To discuss. |
375 |
แพทย์ |
1. n. (formal) a medical practitioner. |
376 |
เสมอ |
1. adv. always, constantly |
2. adj. even |
3. adj. equal |
377 |
อาจารย์ |
1. n. one who teaches or instructs, whether as a profession or not, such as an academic teacher (with or without institutional connection), religious teacher, spiritual teacher, etc. |
2. n. (law) a teacher in a higher education institution who ranks below an assistant professor. |
3. n. (colloquial) a teacher in an educational institution at any level, irrespective of his or her rank. |
4. n. (colloquial) one who masters or practices occult, such as an astrologer, exorcist, magus, shaman, sorcerer, etc. |
5. n. (colloquial) one who masters or specialises in something. |
378 |
เรือ |
1. n. boat |
2. n. (chess) rook |
379 |
เต็ม |
1. adj. full |