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360 ประธาน
     1. adj. chief, leading, main, or presiding.
           พระประธาน (prá bprà-taan) - The presiding Buddha image (of a temple, Buddhist hall, etc.).
     2. n. one who leads or presides over (a body of persons, organisation, meeting, ceremony, rite, etc.).
           ประธานศาลอาญาระหว่างประเทศ (bprà-taan sǎan-aa-yaa-rá-wàang-bprà-têet) - The President of the International Criminal Court.
           ประธานสภาผู้แทนราษฎร (bprà-taan sà-paa-pûu-tɛɛn-râat-sà-dɔɔn) - The Speaker of the House of Representatives.
361 แดง
     1. adj. red
362 บังคับ
     1. n. command; control; domination; jurisdiction.
             British subject.
             (literally) Person under British control.
     2. n. prosody; poetic metres and versification.
363 ชุมชน
     1. n. community
364 บท
     1. n. chapter (of a book)
     2. n. lesson (in a textbook)
365 โต
     1. adj. big, large
     2. n. (archaic) lion
366 ทหาร
     1. n. soldier; military; army
367 ประตู
     1. n. door
368 ขาว
     1. adj. white
369 ปลา
     1. n. fish
370 ฉบับ
     1. n. edition, copy, issue, version
     2. classifier. classifier used with letters, newspapers: copy, issue
371 ข่าว
     1. n. news
372 หัวใจ
     1. n. (anatomy) heart
373 ดิฉัน
     1. pron. I, me (females only)
374 คุย
     1. v. To discuss.
375 แพทย์
     1. n. (formal) a medical practitioner.
376 เสมอ
     1. adv. always, constantly
     2. adj. even
     3. adj. equal
377 อาจารย์
     1. n. one who teaches or instructs, whether as a profession or not, such as an academic teacher (with or without institutional connection), religious teacher, spiritual teacher, etc.
     2. n. (law) a teacher in a higher education institution who ranks below an assistant professor.
     3. n. (colloquial) a teacher in an educational institution at any level, irrespective of his or her rank.
     4. n. (colloquial) one who masters or practices occult, such as an astrologer, exorcist, magus, shaman, sorcerer, etc.
     5. n. (colloquial) one who masters or specialises in something.
378 เรือ
     1. n. boat
     2. n. (chess) rook
379 เต็ม
     1. adj. full
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