Die Kugel traf ihn mitten in die Brust. - The bullet hit him right in the chest.
2. subst. breast (of a woman); side of the chest (of a man)
Schon seit der Pubertät ist meine rechte Brust größer als die linke. - Ever since puberty my right breast is bigger than the left one.
Weil ich ungleichmäßig trainiert habe, ist meine rechte Brust größer als die linke. - Because I worked out unevenly, the right side of my chest is bigger than the left side.
3. subst. (figurative) bosom (seat of thoughts and feelings)
Bitterer Hass erfüllte seine Brust. - Bitter hatred pervaded his bosom.
1. subst. A swimming stroke in which the swimmer lies face down, the arms being swept forward, outward and back under the water and the legs are kicked like a frog's
1. subst. (anatomy) Either of the two organs on the front of a female human's chest, which contain the mammary glands; also the analogous organs in males.
Tanya's breasts grew remarkably during pregnancy.
2. subst. (anatomy) The chest, or front of the human thorax.
3. subst. A section of clothing covering the breast area.
4. subst. The figurative seat of the emotions, feelings etc.; one's heart or innermost thoughts.
She kindled hope in the breast of all who heard her.
5. subst. The ventral portion of an animal's thorax.
The robin has a red breast.
6. subst. A choice cut of poultry, especially chicken or turkey, taken from the bird’s breast; also a cut of meat from other animals, breast of mutton, veal, pork.
Would you like breast or wing?
7. subst. The front or forward part of anything.
a chimney breast; a plough breast
8. subst. (mining) The face of a coal working.
9. subst. (mining) The front of a furnace.
10. subst. (obsolete) The power of singing; a musical voice.
11. v. (transitive, often, figurative) To push against with the breast; to meet full on, oppose, face
He breasted the hill and saw the town before him.
1. Substantiv:
2. [1] Kiste, Kasten, Behälter, Sarg
3. [2] Anatomie: Brustkasten, Brust
1. subst. A box, now usually a large strong box with a secure convex lid.
The clothes are kept in a chest.
2. subst. (obsolete) A coffin.
3. subst. The place in which public money is kept; a treasury.
You can take the money from the chest.
4. subst. A chest of drawers.
5. subst. (anatomy) The portion of the front of the human body from the base of the neck to the top of the abdomen; the thorax. Also the analogous area in other animals.
She had a sudden pain in her chest.
6. subst. A hit or blow made with one's chest.
He scored with a chest into the goal.
7. v. To hit with one's chest (front of one's body)
8. v. To deposit in a chest.
9. v. (transitive, obsolete) To place in a coffin.
10. subst. Debate; quarrel; strife; enmity.
1. Substantiv:
2. [1] Meise
3. [2] meist Plural, vulgär: Titte
4. [3] Zitze
1. subst. A mammary gland, teat.
2. subst. (slang) A woman's breast.
3. subst. (UK, pejorative, slang) An idiot; a fool.
Look at that tit driving on the wrong side of the road!
4. subst. (slang) A police officer; a "tithead".
5. subst. (archaic) A light blow or hit (now usually in phrase tit for tat).
6. subst. A chickadee; a small passerine bird of the genus Parus or the family Paridae, common in the Northern Hemisphere.
7. subst. Any of various other small passerine birds.
8. subst. (archaic) A small horse; a nag.
9. subst. (archaic) A young girl, later especially a minx, hussy.
10. subst. A morsel; a bit.
1. subst. The chest of an animal
2. subst. A cut of meat taken from the chest, especially from the section under the first five ribs