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The Japanese word for to eat is

たべる - taberu

to eat

Japanese Definition

     1. 動詞. ~をたべる
     2. 動詞. スプーンですくって飲む
     3. 動詞. 食事をする
     4. 動詞. 穴を開ける、むしばむ
     5. 動詞. やつれさせる
     6. 動詞. (卑)クリニングスをする
     7. 名詞. (米話)食べ物

Translations for eat and their definitions

     1. v. to eat
           ご飯を食べる - to eat a meal
           箸で食べる - to eat with chopsticks
           今日は、寿司を食べに銀座に行きます。 - I'll go to Ginza today to eat sushi.
           食べていくために - in order to make a living (lit. in order to keep eating)

     1. v. to put something in one's mouth
     2. v. (men's speech vulgar) to eat, to devour
           誰でも昼には飯を食う。 - Everyone eats food at noon.
     3. v. to make a living, to live; to survive
     4. v. to tease, to taunt, to make light of, to make fun of; to torment
     5. v. (of an insect, usually used in the passive) to bite, to sting
           昨晩は、蚊に食われた。 - I got bitten by a mosquito last night.

     1. v. (honorific) to eat

     1. v. to place on or above one's head
           (ja-x, 王%冠 を 頂く, おう%かん を いただく, to wear a crown)
           (ja-x, 雪 を 頂いた 山%々, ゆき を いただいた やま%やま, mountains with snow on top → snowy mountains)
           (ja-x, 星 を 頂いて 夜%道 を 行く, ほし を いただいて よ%みち を ゆく, to travel at night with stars above one's head)
     2. v. (humble) to receive; humble version of 貰う
           支持をいただいた。 - (We) received support.
     3. v. (humble) to take food or drink: to eat, to drink
           この後、スタッフが美味しくいただきました。 - The staff enjoyed it later.
     4. v. Usage: This term is more often spelled in hiragana. The humble one is the receiver; if this term is used when asking if someone else would like to receive something, it can be interpreted as su
     5. v. Usage: * Humble form of "to give", e.g.
     6. v. Usage: * Honorific form of "to receive", e.g.

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