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The Japanese word for fire is

ひ - hi


Japanese Definition

     1. 名詞. (不可算) ほのお、火炎。
     2. 名詞. (可算) 火が熾ること。熾った火。
     3. 名詞. (不可算 錬金術) 四大元素の一つ。
     4. 名詞. (可算) 火事、火災。
           There was a fire at the school last night and the whole place burned down.
           During hot and dry summers many fires in forests are caused by regardlessly discarded cigarette butts.
     5. 名詞. (可算) (英) 暖房器具。
     6. 動詞. 他動詞: ~に火をつける。
     7. 動詞. 他動詞: (銃などで)~を撃つ。
     8. 動詞. 他動詞: ~を解雇する。
     9. 動詞. 他動詞: (陶器など)~を焼く。
     10. 動詞. 自動詞: (銃などを)撃つ。
     11. 動詞. 自動詞 (生理学): (細胞内の機能を)活性化する。

Translations for fire and their definitions

     1. (I) fire (a gun)
     2. to fire (a gun)

     1. (I) fire (to terminate the employment of)
     2. to fire, to terminate the employment of

     1. n. a fire:
     2. n.    a flame
     3. n.   : (synonyms, ja, 火気, tr=kaki, ファイア, tr2=faia, 炎, tr3=honō)
     4. n.    cooking fire
     5. n.    a firestarter
     6. n.    sparks
     7. n.    light (matches or lighter)
     8. n.   : (ja-x, 火 を 貸して もらえる?, ひ を かして もらえる?, Can I borrow a light?)
     9. n.    heat
     10. n.   : (synonyms, ja, 火熱, tr=kanetsu, 熱, tr2=netsu)
     11. n.    a conflagration
     12. n.   : (synonyms, ja, 火災, tr=kasai, 火事, tr2=kaji)
     13. n.    a signal fire
     14. n.   : (synonyms, ja, 狼煙, tr=noroshi)
     15. n. (by extension) a light
     16. n. a burning passion
     17. n. menstruation
           (synonyms, ja, 月経, tr=gekkei)
     18. n. a fire
     19. n. one of the five classical elements in traditional Chinese philosophy and medicine: see (pedia, Wu Xing)
     20. n. (historical) under the old 律令 system of ancient Japan, a military grouping, consisting of 10 soldiers: a squad
           (synonyms, ja, 分隊, tr=buntai)
     21. affix. fire
     22. affix. light
     23. affix. burning
     24. affix. passion
     25. affix. imminently
     26. affix. explosive

     1. v. to fire a weapon
           銃を撃つ、核を撃つ、ミサイルを撃つ - to fire a gun; to drop a nuclear bomb; to launch a missile

     1. n. a fire (damaging occurrence of fire)
     2. n. (dialectal Kagoshima) a fire (damaging occurrence of fire)

     1. (I) discharge
     2. to launch
     3. to discharge

     1. n. a flame
           ハリー・ポッターと炎のゴブレット - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
           燃え広がる炎 - Catching Fire
     2. n. (figuratively) an intense emotion, passion
     3. n. a flame
     4. n. (figuratively) an intense emotion, passion
     5. suffix. (medicine) -itis, inflammation of...
     6. affix. flame, blaze
     7. affix. burning
     8. affix. firehot, red-hot
     9. affix. *
     10. affix. flame, blaze
     11. affix. (figurative) passion, emotion

     1. n. fire, conflagration (as in a disaster)
     2. n. (Buddhism) one of the three major calamities that destroy the world

     1. n. heater, stove
     2. n. (attn, ja, TODO: appliance used to heat rooms)

     1. n. hearth, fireplace (open recess in a wall at the base of a chimney)

     1. n. a traditional sunken hearth or fireplace cut in the middle of a floor; usually found in homes in northern Japan
           (synonyms, ja, 炉, tr=ro, ゆるり, tr2=yururi)

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