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The Japanese word for floor is

ゆか - yuka


Japanese Definition

     1. 名詞. ゆか
     2. 名詞. 階、フロア
           道路などに面した階は、どの英語圏においてもground floor、その上の階は、英国英語圏(インド、香港等も含む)を除くと、second floor(2階)となり、上昇に従いそのまま階数が足されるが、英国英語圏ではfirst floorとなり、そこから加算されるため、second floorは日本語で言う3階にあたり、それ以上の階は日本語などと、1階ずつずれることとなる。米国英語等
           mezzanine floor, mezzanine
     3. 名詞. (海・湖などの)そこ
     4. 名詞. 議院席
     5. 名詞. 発言権
     6. 名詞. 底値そこね
     7. 動詞. 床をはる
     8. 動詞. うちのめす
     9. 動詞. 閉口させる

Translations for floor and their definitions

     1. n. the floor (the bottom surface of a room)
           床を掃く - to sweep the floor
     2. n. a bed
     3. n. (theater) a raised area of a stage where a presenter or musician sits
     4. n. a raised platform erected along the Kamo River in Kyōto in summer, used as an outdoor tea shop or restaurant
     5. n. a raised platform roughly 30cm tall used in dirt-floored rooms as a seat
     6. n. a raised area on which to sleep: a bed
     7. n. a sickbed
     8. n. the floor
     9. n. tatami mats
     10. n. the seat of an oxcart
     11. n. short for 床間 / 床の間: an alcove with a raised floor along one wall of a traditional Japanese living room
     12. n. an alcove with a raised floor used as a study: see 付書院
     13. n. a box seat, such as at a parade, theater, or stadium
     14. n. short for 床店: a stall with a raised floor used as a store
     15. n. short for 床屋: a barbershop, from how such shops were historically often tokomise
     16. n. short for 床船梁, 舵床: the large wooden beam at the very aft of a traditional wood-hulled Japanese ship, upon which the rudder is seated
     17. n. the heel of a plough; the part of the bottom of a plough that touches the ground and guides the ploughshare
     18. n. short for 苗床: a seedbed
     19. n. short for 鉄床, 金床: an anvil
     20. n. sickbed
     21. counter. beds

     1. affix. step; stair; storey
     2. affix. class; rank; level
     3. counter. floors, storeys (of a building)
           (私の)オフィスは五階にあります。 - (My) office is on the fifth floor.

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