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The Japanese word for to hold is

つかむ - tsukamu

to hold

Japanese Definition

     1. 動詞. 持つ、つかむ、握る。(類義語: grasp, grip)
           Hold the pencil like this.
     2. 動詞. 含む。(類義語: contain, store)
           This package holds six bottles.
     3. 動詞. ~を所有している。
           Hold my coat for me.
     4. 動詞. 取っておく、予約する。押さえる。(類義語: reserve)
           Hold a table for us at 7:00.
     5. 動詞. ~を待たせる、遅れさせる。
           Hold the elevator.
     6. 動詞. 拘留する。(類義語: detain)
           Hold the suspect in this cell.
     7. 名詞. 保有。
           Keep a firm hold on the handlebars.
     8. 名詞. 予約。
           We have a hold here for you.
     9. 名詞. (レスリング用語)ホールド。
           He got him in a tight hold and pinned him to the mat.
     10. 名詞. (しばしばcargo holdで)貨物室
           Put that in the hold.

Translations for hold and their definitions

     1. (I) hold
     2. to hold

     1. v. to hold, to carry something
           コートを持ちましょうか。 - Shall I hold your coat?
     2. v. to have, to possess
           パスポートは持った? - Have you got your passport?
           お金をいくら持っていますか。 - How much money do you have?
           私はお金を持っていない。 - I don't have any money.
           自転車を持っていない。 - I don't have a bicycle.
           車は持っていませんが、自転車なら持っています。 - I don't have a car, but I have a bicycle.
     3. v. to hold up, to maintain
           精神が持たない - can't withstand the pressure
           心臓が持たない - my heart can't take it

     1. (I) keep
     2. to keep

     1. v. (ja-vp, 掴む, 掴まる)
     2. v. (from 850) to grab
     3. v. (from 850) to grip, take hold of
     4. v. (from 1724) to accept (a bribe)
     5. v. (from 1701) to abduct, kidnap
     6. v. (from 1897) to capture, grasp (imagination, hearts, opportunities, etc.)

     1. v. to grasp, to grip, to hold
           手を握る - to shake hands
     2. v. to seize, to take hold of
           実権を握る - to seize power
     3. v. to make (nigirizushi, riceball, etc...); to press into shape
           寿司を握る - to make sushi

     1. v. have, possess

     1. (I) book
     2. to book
     3. to reserve

     1. v. (ja-vp, 止める, 止まる, とめる, とまる)
     2. v. to stop
           車を止める - to stop one's car
           攻撃を止めない - to not stop one's attacks
           自動%更新を止める - to stop an update
     3. v. to focus on
     4. v. to bear in mind
     5. v. to set in place
     6. v. to park
     7. v. (calligraphy) to write as a thrown stroke to the bottom right ()
           (cot, ja, 払う)
     8. v. (ja-vp, 止める, 止む, やめる, やむ)
     9. v. to stop, to terminate, to cease, to discontinue, to quit
           タバコを止めるのは大変です。 - Quitting smoking is difficult.
           やめろ。/やめてください。 - command, polite / Stop it. q, command, polite
           仕事を辞める - to quit one's job
     10. v. to abolish, to do away with
     11. v. Usage: * Usually written in hiragana, as やめる.
     12. v. Usage: * The sense "to quit a job" uses the homonym 辞める.
     13. v. (ja-vp, 止める, 止まる, とどめる, とどまる)
     14. v. alternative form of ja 留める

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