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The Japanese word for home is

いえ - ie


Japanese Definition

     1. 名詞. いえ、家庭、家族とともに住む家屋。特に、心情的に愛着を感じているもの。
           The disciples went away again to their own home.
           Home is the sacred refuge of our life.
           Home! home! sweet, sweet home! There's no place like home. ?Payne.
           『埴生の宿』の一節、「我が家よ おおわが宿よ 楽しとも たのもしや」と訳される。
           He entered in his house - his home no more, For without hearts there is no home.
     2. 名詞. ふるさと、生まれ故郷、生国、母国。
           Our old home England.
     3. 名詞. 実家、親元。
           I left home last year.
     4. 名詞. 生息地、住処、本場。
           the home of the pine.
           Her eyes are homes of silent prayer.
     5. 名詞. 安住の地、避難所、収容所。特に魂の安住の地という意味で、墓場。
           Man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets.
     6. 名詞. (スポーツ)ゴール。
     7. 名詞. (野球)本塁、ホーム。
     8. 名詞. (ラクロス)相手ゴール前のポジション又は選手の呼称。
     9. 動詞. (通常'in/on'を伴って) 照準を定める。
           The missile was able to home on the target.
     10. 形容詞. 家の、家庭の
     11. 形容詞. 身近な、個人的な
     12. 副詞. 家へ、我が家へ、ふるさとへ
           go home, come home, carry home.
     13. 副詞. 接近して
           How home the charge reaches us, has been made out.
           They come home to men's business and bosoms.
     14. 副詞. 本来あるべき場所へ
           to drive a nail home 釘を打ち込む
           to ram a cartridge home 弾を込める
           Wear thy good rapier bare and put it home.

Translations for home and their definitions

     1. n. a house
     2. n. one's own home
     3. n. a home, household
     4. n. a family
     5. n. a house
     6. suffix. house of something, place where some business is conducted
     7. suffix. person who does that thing
     8. n. a house
     9. n. one's house
     10. n. a house
           俺ん家に来ない? - Wanna come to my place?
     11. suffix. an expert, professional, performer
     12. suffix. (representing relationship to a family)
           平家 - the Taira family
Image illustrating the Japanese word 家

     1. n. your home
     2. n. (personal pronoun) you
     3. n. (rare) geek
     4. n. Usage: The slang おたく or オタク is normally written in kana, and rarely in this kanji form.

     1. n. (ecology) habitat

     1. n. a hometown, homeland
     2. n. (poetic) Alternative spelling of 国 (kuni): one's hometown or birthplace

     1. n. homeland

     1. n. home, hometown; (one's parents') home

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