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The Japanese word for jam is



Japanese Definition

     1. 名詞. ジャム。
     2. 名詞. 困難。
           I'm in a jam right now. Can you help me out?
     3. 名詞. 渋滞。
           A traffic jam caused us to miss the game's first period.
     4. 名詞. (音楽)ジャムセッションの略。
     5. 名詞. (野球)ピッチャーや守備側にとっての失点のピンチ。
           He's in a jam now, having walked the bases loaded with the cleanup hitter coming to bat.
     6. 名詞. (バスケットボール)ダンクシュート。
     7. 動詞. 押し込む、詰め込む。
           The rush-hour train was jammed with commuters.
           They temporarily stopped the gas tank leak by jamming a piece of taffy into the hole.
     8. 動詞. 嵌り込む。
           My foot GOT jammed in a gap between the rocks.
     9. 動詞. 突き指する、(足指を)くじく。
           When he tripped on the step he jammed his toe.
     10. 動詞. 渋滞を引き起こす。
           A single accident can jam the roads for hours.
     11. 動詞. 混信させる。

Translations for jam and their definitions

     1. n. jam; jelly; a sweet mixture of fruit boiled with sugar

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