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The Japanese word for to look is

みる - miru

to look

Japanese Definition

     1. 動詞. (自動詞, 通常は 'at'を伴って) (見ようとして)みる。
           Look at my new car!
           Don't look in the closet.
     2. 動詞. ながめる。
     3. 動詞. ~にみえる。
           She looks a lot like her mother.
           How old does she look to you?
     4. 動詞. たしかめる。
     5. 名詞. 見ること。
     6. 名詞. 一見。
     7. 名詞. 目つき。
     8. 名詞. 表情。
     9. 名詞. 外観。
     10. 名詞. 様子。

Translations for look and their definitions

     1. v. (ja-vp, 見る, 見える, c=見せる, みる, みえる, ck=みせる)
     2. v. to see, to watch, to observe, to look at something
     3. v. to look over, to examine, to judge
     4. v. to take care of, to look after, to keep an eye on somebody
     5. v. to view something, like paintings, flowers or a movie
           映画を見に行く - to go see a movie
           あの 監督 の 映画 を 見た こと は ありません。 - I haven't seen any of that director's movies before.
     6. v. みる: (after the w:Japanese verb conjugation#te form te form of a verb) to try to do (q, literally, “do the preceding verb and see”)
           納豆を食べてみませんか。 - Why not try to eat natto?
           死ぬ まで 君 と 生きて みたい よ - Until death I want to try to live with you
           怪しい 扉 を 開けて みたくない よ - I don't want to try to open the weird door!
     7. v. Usage: * This auxiliary usage implies that the action has never been attempted by the subject.

     1. v. alternative form of ja 見る : view (a movie, flowers)

     1. v. (honorific) to see
     2. v. (honorific) to look
     3. v. (honorific) to watch
     4. v. (honorific) (after the -te form of a verb) to try to

     1. v. (ja-vp, 見る, 見える, c=見せる, みる, みえる, ck=みせる)
     2. v. (dated) to be seen; to be found
     3. v. (sense, having seeing ability) able to see (ja: 目が見える、目の見える)
           兄は眼鏡無しでもはっきり見える。 - My elder brother is able to see something distinctly without glasses.
     4. v. (sense, within sight) visible (ja: 目に見える)
           水は無色だが見える。 - Water is colorless but visible.
     5. v. (sense, easily predictable) apparent (ja: 目に見える)
           この時点で結果が見える。 - The result is apparent at this circumstance.
     6. v. (sense, appear likely) to seem, to look q, a certain way, to appear q, a certain way
           馬鹿に見える - to look stupid
           彼は及第するように見える。 - He seems to succeed.
     7. v. (from 720) (humble) to meet with someone, to have an audience with someone
     8. v. (from 1607) to make an appearance, to be present

     1. v. to face
     2. v. to go towards

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