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The Japanese word for man is

おとこ - otoko


Japanese Definition

     1. 名詞. 人、人間。
     2. 名詞. 男性、男らしい男。
     3. 動詞. (他動詞) 乗り物などに人を乗り込ませる。
           The ship was manned with a small crew.
     4. 動詞. (他動詞) (人を)配置する。
           Man the machine guns!
     5. 動詞. (reflexive, ほぼ, _, dated) (男らしくなるために)鍛える(cf. man up)。
     6. 動詞. (他動詞, obsolete) (付き従って)世話をする。
     7. 動詞. (他動詞, obsolete, 主に鷹匠用語) 慣らす。

Translations for man and their definitions

     1. n. man, boy, male person
     2. n. (grammar) masculine gender

     1. n. man, male adult person
     2. n. Usage: Used in place of

     1. n. a male person
     2. n. (specifically) a man, an adult male
     3. n. 男, 漢: (specifically) a manly man
     4. n. a male lover
     5. n. a manservant
     6. n. a husband
     7. n. (obsolete) an unmarried young man
     8. n. (colloquial) homosexuality
     9. n. a man
     10. n. a husband
     11. n. a male
     12. n. something large, powerful, or otherwise masculine
     13. n. a boy
     14. n. a man
     15. n. a son
     16. n. a man
     17. n. a son
     18. n. a young man, especially one who reached adulthood
     19. n. (historical) a baron

     1. n. a person, human
     2. n. an individual
           (syn-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 個人, tr=kojin)
     3. n. mankind, people
           (syn-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 人類, tr=jinrui, 人間, tr2=ningen)
     4. n. character, personality
           (syn-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 人格, tr=jinkaku, 人柄, tr2=hitogara)
     5. n. an average person
           (syn-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 世人, tr=sejin, yohito)
           (syn-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 方, tr=kata, 者, tr2=mono)
     6. n. an adult
           (syn-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 大人, tr=otona, 成人, tr2=seijin)
     7. n. someone (gloss-lite, else)
     8. n. Usage: * When scientifically referring to humans, this term is often spelled in katakana, as (m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, ヒト).
     9. n. Usage: * From (Old Japanese) or w, Middle Japanese development, hito is sometimes shifted to -uto, -udo, -to, -tto, or -do.
     10. n. a personality
     11. n. the role of that person
     12. counter. (n-g-lite, counter for number of people)
     13. affix. man
     14. suffix. person from that group
           アジア人、イギリス人、スペイン人、ドイツ人、アメリカ人、スコットランド人 - an Asian, an Englishman, a Spaniard, a German, an American, a Scot
     15. suffix. person who does the activity of the suffixed word
     16. suffix. Usage: When compounding, makes the accent fall on the 自立拍 immediately before itself. For example:
     17. suffix. Usage: * (m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 中国) (m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, ちゅうごく, ちゅꜜうごく) + m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 人 → m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 中国人 (m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, ちゅうごくじん, ちゅうごくꜜじん)
     18. suffix. Usage: * (m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, アメリカ) + m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 人 → m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, アメリカ人 (m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, アメリカじん, アメリカꜜじん)
     19. suffix. Usage: * (m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 朝鮮) (m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, ちょうせん, ちょうせꜜん) + m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 人 → m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 朝鮮人 (m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, ちょうせんじん, ちょうせꜜんじん; m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, ん is a
     20. suffix. Usage: * (m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, スペイン, スペꜜイン) + m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 人 → m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, スペイン人 (m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, スペインじん, スペイꜜンじん; m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, ン is a m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 特殊拍, tr
     21. suffix. Usage: * (m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, ノルウェー, ノルウェꜜー) + m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 人 → ノルウェー人 (m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, ノルウェーじん, ノルウェꜜーじん; m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, ー is a m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 特殊拍, tr=tokushuh
     22. suffix. Usage: There is one notable exception:
     23. suffix. Usage: * (m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 日本) (m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, にほん, にほꜜん/m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, にっぽん, にっぽꜜん) + m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 人 → m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 日本人 (m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, にほんじん, にほんじꜜん/m-li
     24. affix. man
     25. counter. (n-g-lite, counter for number of people)

     1. part. emphatic nominative case marker
     2. n. 石: stone

     1. v. divide, allot, apportion

     1. n. human, person, human being
           人間社会 - human society
     2. n. personality, character
     3. n. (Buddhism) literally meaning: "human society", referring to one of the six realms of reincarnation in Buddhist cosmology.
     4. n. (dated rare) a place devoid of people

     1. v. (ja-vp, 据える, 据わる)
     2. v. (of an object) to place, set (so it cannot be moved)
     3. v. to lay a foundation
     4. v. to seat someone
     5. v. to settle on, focus oneself
     6. v. to apply moxa
     7. v. to (place a) seal
           (synonyms, ja, 捺印する, tr=natsuin suru)
     8. v. (of birds, etc.) to perch
     9. v. to plant, transplant
           (synonyms, ja, 植え付ける, tr=uetsukeru)

     1. n. 駒: piece in shogi, bridge of a violin
     2. n. 独楽: spinning top
     3. n. 齣: frame of a film or comic, scene, block of time in a class schedule
     4. n. コマ: coma

     1. n. mankind, the human race, humanity
           人類の起源 - the origins of the human race

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