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The Japanese word for rice is

こめ - kome


Japanese Definition

     1. 名詞. 米。ご飯。
     2. 名詞. 稲。
     3. 動詞. ……を米粒ほどの大きさに圧搾する。
     4. 動詞. ……をライサーにかける。

Translations for rice and their definitions

     1. n. ja of prefixal bound form

     1. n. rice (gloss-lite, husked grains of the Asian rice plant, Oryza sativa), one of the w, Five Grains, five grains
           (hyper, ja, 五穀, tr=gokoku)
     2. n. the Asian rice plant, Oryza sativa
     3. n. rice (gloss-lite, husked grains of the Asian rice plant, Oryza sativa)
     4. n. (colloquial) an eighty-eight-year-old
     5. n. (colloquial) rice (gloss-lite, husked grains of the rice plant)
     6. n. (rare sp, ja, メートル, tr=mētoru): metre gloss-lite, SI unit of length
     7. n. (rare sp, ja, メーター, tr=mētā): meter (a device or implement used for measurement)
     8. affix. rice

     1. n. alternative spelling of ja 御飯 : cooked rice; a meal of any sort

     1. n. cooked grains, especially cooked rice
     2. n. (informal) a meal
           飯を食う - eat a meal
     3. n. Usage: This is an informal way to refer to food, and 食う is a correspondingly informal way to say "eat".
     4. n. (Tsugaru) cooked rice
     5. n. (childish) (alt form, ja, 飯#Etymology 5, tr=manma)
     6. n. (childish) cooked rice

     1. n. rice, more specifically cooked rice (seeds used as food)

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