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The Japanese word for ring is

ゆびわ - yubiwa
指-finger (yubi), 輪-loop (wa)


Japanese Definition

     1. 名詞.
     2. 名詞. 指輪ゆびわ鼻輪はなわ。イヤリング。
     3. 名詞. (人や物の)輪。
     4. 名詞. (astronomy)(惑星の)輪。
     5. 名詞. (British, archaeology)環状の土塁。
     6. 名詞. (boxing)リング。
     7. 名詞. (サーカスなどの)リング。
     8. 名詞. (悪人の)徒党。一味。
     9. 名詞. (化学)(原子の)輪。
     10. 名詞. (shape)輪。
     11. 名詞. (typography)リング符号。
     12. 名詞. (computing)リング型。
     13. 動詞. (他動詞)かこむ。
     14. 動詞. (他動詞)環状の物をつける。
     15. 動詞. (他動詞)指輪・鼻輪などをはめる。
     16. 動詞. (鷹が)旋回しながらがる。
     17. 名詞. (ベルなどの)おと。
     18. 名詞. (figuratively)印象。ひびき。
     19. 名詞. (口語)(電話の)し。
     20. 名詞. (繰り返し鳴る)おおきな音。
     21. 動詞. (自動詞)(ベルなどが)鳴る。
     22. 動詞. (他動詞)(ベルなどを)ならす。
     23. 動詞. (自動詞, figuratively)~のようにきこえる。
     24. 動詞. (他動詞, 口語, British, New Zealand)電話する。
     25. 動詞. (自動詞)ひびく。
     26. 名詞. (mathematics)カン, yomilink=n

Translations for ring and their definitions

     1. v. to call someone over the telephone

     1. n. a ring (round piece of (precious) metal worn around the finger)
           指輪をはめる - to put on a ring
           指輪 物語 - The Tale of the Rings
     2. n. (topics, ja, Jewelry)

     1. n. telephone
           電話を引く - to install a telephone
           電話に出る - to answer the phone
     2. n. telephone call; phone call; call
           電話を掛ける - to make a call
           電話が掛かって来る - to receive a call
           電話を切る - to hang up
     3. v. to make a phone call; to telephone; to call
     4. v. Usage: * In order to imply whom one is calling as is done in English with the preposition to in or by the objective case as him in the sentence , the Japanese use <
      Usage: *     私は彼に電話するつもりだ。 - I'm going to call him.

     1. n. ring (accessory worn around the finger)
           (synonyms, ja, 指輪, tr=yubiwa)
     2. n. boxing ring

     1. v. to encircle; to surround; to place things around something

     1. n. clan; partisans; conspirators; gang; crew
     2. n. a kind of flavor, taste, charm
     3. n. one ingredient (in traditional Chinese medicine)
     4. n. (Buddhism) universality
     5. n. unique flavor
     6. n. lb, ja, used in
           彼女は他の人と一味違う。 - She has something different.

     1. v. (ja-vp, 鳴らす, 鳴る, ならす, なる)
     2. v. to ring, to sound, to roar, to chime, to honk
           携帯が鳴っていますよ。 - Your cellphone is ringing.
           鬼さんこちら、手の鳴る方へ - phrase said in tag

     1. n. ring
     2. n. (algebra) ring
     3. prefix. circum-
     4. n. a ring or circle shape (such as a ring for a finger, or Saturn's rings)
     5. n. a hoop (such as for a barrel)
     6. n. a wheel (as of a vehicle)
     7. n. an ancient bracelet strung with jewels or bells and worn at the elbow
     8. n. a longer tube-shaped gauntlet to protect the hand during archery
     9. n. (obsolete) an ancient jewel or other stone in the shape of a ring

     1. v. (ja-vp, 鳴らす, 鳴る, ならす, なる)
     2. v. sound, ring, honk, ring, twang
           指を鳴らす - literally to make one's fingers resound

     1. counter. wheels
     2. counter. flowers
           一輪の花が咲く - a single flower blooms
     3. n. ring; circle
           広い輪を描いた。 - I drew a broad circle.
     4. n. (by extension) linked network
           被害者%支援の輪 - network of support for victims

     1. n. echo, sound, reverberation, noise
     2. n. the ring/sound/feel of an expression/word
           響きが悪い名前 - a name that sounds bad

     1. v. (ja-vp, 聞く, 聞こえる)
     2. v. to be heard
           蝉の鳴き声が聞こえる。 - I can hear the chirping of cicadas.
     3. v. to be audible
           彼の携帯電話が、映画館の観客%全員が聞こえるぐらいに鳴り響いた。 - His cellphone rang loud enough for everyone in the movie theater to hear it.
           海が聞こえる。 - I can hear the ocean.
     4. v. sound, be taken as (give someone a certain impression from hearing)
     5. v. to be widely known; to be famous

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