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The Japanese word for sick is

びょうき - byōki


Japanese Definition

     1. 形容詞. 不健康な、気分が悪い、病気の、。
           She was sick all day with the flu
     2. 形容詞. (口語) 精神的に不安定な。
     3. 形容詞. (口語) 悪趣味な。
           That's a sick joke.
     4. 形容詞. 吐き気を催す。
     5. 形容詞. (俗語) 素晴らしい、やばい。
           This tune is sick.
           Dude this car has a fully sick subwoofer!
     6. 形容詞. ひどい。
           (sick building syndrome; my car is looking pretty sick; my job prospects are pretty sick)
     7. 名詞. (口語) 吐瀉物。
           He lay there in a pool of his own sick.
     8. 動詞. (rare, 'sic'の異綴) (犬などを)けしかける。

Translations for sick and their definitions

     1. n. sickness
           病気に罹る - to get sick
     2. n. ill, sick
           病気の人 - a sick person
           彼女は近ごろ病気がちだ。 - She has been ill a lot lately.
     3. adj. (slang) abnormal, mentally ill

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