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The Japanese word for table is



Japanese Definition

     1. 名詞. テーブル
     2. 名詞.
     3. 名詞. テーブル、食卓。
     4. 名詞. 表。
           The children were practising multiplication tables.
           Don't you know your tables?
           Here is a table of natural logarithms.
     5. 名詞. (プログラミング用語)テーブル。複数の配列を組み合わせたもの。
     6. 名詞. (楽器)表甲。
     7. 名詞. バックギャモンのボードの片方。
     8. 動詞. ~をテーブルに置く。
     9. 動詞. 食事の支度をする
     10. 動詞. (英・加)~を議論の俎上に載せる、(提案などを)提出する。
           The legislature tabled the amendment, so we will start discussing it now.
     11. 動詞. 棚上げにする、延期する。
           The legislature tabled the amendment, so we will not be discussing it until later.
           The motion was tabled ensuring that it would not be taken until a later date.
     12. 動詞. 表に書く。

Translations for table and their definitions

     1. n. table (furniture)
     2. n. table (grid of data)

     1. n. surface; face (visible side of an object)
     2. n. front (of a building), obverse side of a coin ("heads")
     3. n. cover attached to a surface
     4. n. outer clothing
     5. n. facade; appearance; outside; exterior
     6. n. public; official
     7. n. main entrance of a house; front door
     8. n. outside a house; outdoors; street in front of a house
     9. n. (baseball) first half, top (of an inning)
     10. n. front room; living room
     11. n. (computing) foreground
     12. suffix. front of something
           西表 - western front
     13. suffix. Usage: Attached to a noun to indicate direction, location, etc.
     14. n. (from 1875) table, chart, list
           表のセル - table cell
           常用漢字表 - list of commonly used kanji
     15. n. (from 703) documents presented to a monarch from a vassal or other foreign dignitary

     1. n. arrangement, alignment, placement
           キー配列 - keyboard layout ("key layout")
     2. n. (mathematics programming) array, table
     3. n. (genetics) sequence (of DNA)
     4. v. to put in order, to arrange, to lay out

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