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The Japanese word for to turn is

まがる - magaru

to turn

Japanese Definition

     1. 動詞. (他動詞)まわす。
     2. 動詞. (自動詞)まわる、回転する。
     3. 動詞. (他動詞)かえる。
     4. 動詞. (自動詞)まがる。
     5. 動詞. (他動詞)うらがえす。
     6. 動詞. (自動詞)(時間など)すぎる。
     7. 名詞. 回転。
     8. 名詞. コーナー。
     9. 名詞. 順番。
           It's your turn.
     10. 名詞. 性質。

Translations for turn and their definitions

     1. v. (ja-vp, 曲げる, 曲がる)
     2. v. to bend, to curve, to warp, to wind, to twist
     3. v. to turn
     4. v. to be awry, to be askew, to be crooked

     1. n. rotation
     2. n. revolution
     3. v. to rotate, spin
     4. v. to revolve

     1. v. (ja-vp, 回す, 回る, まわす, まわる)
     2. v. to turn; to revolve; to spin
           ぐるぐる回る - to spin round and round
     3. v. to circulate
     4. v. to go around
     5. v. to return
     6. v. to prevail
     7. v. (of a camera) to roll
           カメラが回っている。 - The cameras are rolling.
     8. v. to come around to (a point of view)

     1. n. one's turn (as in a game, etc.)
           次は君の番ですよ。 - It's your turn next.
     2. counter. (sports) matches
     3. suffix. (applied to numerals) -th: forms ordinal numerals
           一番 - first
           二番 - second

     1. v. (ja-vp, 変える, 変わる)
     2. v. to change, to make different
           (ja-x, 境%界は変えられる。, きょう%かい は かえられる。, Borders are changeable.)
           (ja-x, 水は高%温によって蒸%気に変えられる。, みず は こう%おん に よって じょう%き に かえられる。, Water is changed into vapor by high temperature.)
     3. v. to move or shift to a different time or place
           場所を変える - move somewhere else

     1. to rebel
     2. to betray

     1. n. turn, turning point, tipping point

     1. v. to reverse something, to turn something over, to flip something over
     2. v. to turn something inside out
     3. v. to view or consider something from a completely different perspective

     1. v. (ja-vp, 変える, 変わる)
     2. v. to change; to become different; to turn into; to become (something else)

     1. n. production costs, often in terms of hours or number of workers required

     1. n. a fall, falling down
     2. n. a slide down to a lower rank
     3. n. a personal decline, a descent into personal destruction
     4. v. tumble, fall down
     5. v. slide down in a ranking
     6. v. descend into personal decline

     1. v. to turn over; to flip over
     2. v. to fly (a flag)
     3. v. to change attitude, speech, etc., quickly

     1. v. rot
     2. v. spoil
     3. v. corrode
     4. v. be corrupt, degenerate
     5. v. be dejected

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