Hidden Image Game
for the bathroom
This game will help with your listening comprehension of Spanish words. Listen to the words as they are called out and click on the corresponding square to remove it and start revealing parts of the hidden image.


grifo 0 | after-shave 0 | baño 0 | alfombrilla 0 | cuarto de baño 0 | armario de baño 0 | bañera 0 | cepillo 0 |
peine 0 | bolita de algodón 0 | bastoncillo 0 | tuberías de desagüe 0 | secador de pelo 0 | maquillaje 0 | espejo 0 | lima de uñas 0 |
perfume 0 | tapón 0 | enchufe 0 | maquinilla de afeitar 0 | hoja de afeitar 0 | champú 0 | ducha 0 | cortina 0 |
lavamanos 0 | jabón 0 | jabonera 0 | polvos de talco 0 | retrete 0 | cepillo de dientes 0 | pasta de dientes 0 | toalla 0 |
toallero 0 | pinzas 0 | | | | | | |