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Common Italian Phrases

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301 a perdifiato
          1. adv. breathlessly
          2. adv. At breathtaking speed
          3. adv. At the top of one's voice
302 in un baleno
          1. adv. in a flash
303 in orario
          1. adv. on time
304 in mezzo all'
          1. prep. Compound of in mezzo a and l'.
305 ninna nanna
          1. n-f. alternative spelling of ninnananna
306 per errore
          1. adv. mistakenly, by mistake, in error, wrongly
307 a seconda della
          1. prep. Compound of a seconda di and la.
308 al posto dei
          1. prep. Compound of al posto di and i.
309 portare via
          1. v. to take away, carry out
          2. v. to clear away
          3. v. to abduct
310 bestie da soma
          1. n. plural of bestia da soma
311 giudizio universale
          1. n. Last Judgment, doomsday
312 ci penso io
          1. Phrase. I'll deal with it, I'll handle it.
313 fuori di sé
          1. Phrase. beside oneself
314 sé stesso
          1. pron. himself, itself, oneself
315 a dopo
          1. interj. see you later!
316 stare zitto
          1. v. (intransitive) to be quiet, to shut up
                Sta' zitto! – Shut up!
317 in cinque minuti
          1. adv. (idiom) In a short time; after a brief delay
318 effetto collaterale
          1. n. (medicine, computing, all other senses) side effect, spillover
319 lieto fine
          1. n. happy ending (of a movie, etc.)
320 fuochi d'artificio
          1. n. plural of fuoco d'artificio
321 borse di studio
          1. n. plural of borsa di studio
322 prendere in giro
          1. v. to make fun of, to tease, to poke fun at
          2. v. to string along, take the piss
323 calzoni alla zuava
          1. n. knickerbockers
324 arma da fuoco
          1. n. (firearms) firearm
325 ponte levatoio
          1. n. drawbridge
326 scaricatore di porto
          1. n. longshoreman, docker
327 anidride carbonica
          1. n. carbon dioxide - (literally) carbonic anhydride
328 ci vediamo
          1. interj. until we meet again, see you!
329 modo di dire
          1. n. adage, saw
          2. n. turn of phrase
          3. n. turn a phrase
330 mettere insieme
          1. v. to compound (to put together)
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