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361 in apparenza
          1. adv. seemingly
362 per ultimo
          1. adj. last, ultimately
363 condanne a morte
          1. n. plural of condanna a morte
364 priva di senso
          1. adj. feminine singular of privo di senso
365 tale e quale
          1. n. spitting image (the exact likeness (of someone))
          2. n. carbon copy (something exactly the same)
          3. n. CIF
366 conferenza stampa
          1. n. press conference
367 primo ministro
          1. n. (politics) prime minister
368 lemme lemme
          1. adv. Very slowly
369 in prima persona
          1. adv. personally, oneself
370 carta da parati
          1. n. wallpaper (decorative material)
371 incidente stradale
          1. n. car crash, road crash, road accident, traffic accident
372 lecca lecca
          1. n. alternative spelling of lecca-lecca
373 cavallo a dondolo
          1. n. rocking horse
374 diritti umani
          1. n. human rights
375 su di giri
          1. adj. high (slang: stoned)
376 quanto alle
          1. prep. Compound of quanto a and le.
377 livello del mare
          1. n. sea level
378 a picco
          1. adj. sheer, precipitous, vertical
          2. adv. precipitously, vertically
          3. adv. under, to the bottom
379 a vanvera
          1. adv. (dated) at random, without any effort to achieve particular outcome
          2. adv. without thinking
                parlare a vanvera - to talk without thinking
380 a partire da
          1. prep. as from, as of, from, beginning from, from.. onwards
381 l'altro ieri
          1. adv. the day before yesterday
382 barca a remi
          1. n. (sports) rowboat, rowing boat
383 posti di lavoro
          1. n. plural of posto di lavoro
384 in base a
          1. prep. according to, depending on, on the basis of
385 in seguito a
          1. prep. following, as a consequence of, as a result of, because of, on account of
          2. prep. in the wake of
386 non c'รจ di che
          1. Phrase. Don't mention it, no problem, not at all (conventional reply to an expression of gratitude)
387 in generale
          1. adv. in general
388 ad ogni modo
          1. adv. anyway, in any case, either way
389 isola deserta
          1. n. desert island
390 ferro di cavallo
          1. n. (the U-shaped metallic shoe of a horse) horseshoe, shoe
          2. n. (zoology) horseshoe bat
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