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Common Japanese Words

A list of the most common Japanese words ordered by their frequency of use. You can use this list to learn words efficiently, ensuring you cover the basic vocabulary of Japanese.

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     1. syllable. (ja-kana-def)no
     2. part. genitive case marker
     3. part.    indicates possession: of, -'s
             私 の 意見 - my opinion
     4. part.    indicates identity or apposition
     1. syllable. (ja-kana-def)ni
     2. part. (with nouns)
     3. part.    (ngd, particle for indirect objects); to
             俺に返せ。 - Give it back to me.
     4. part.    (ngd, particle for location); in, at
3 する
     1. v. (intransitive)suru
     2. v.    (q, of inanimate objects) to exist; to come up
             稲光がする - Lightning occurred.
             におい が する - There is a smell.
     3. v.    (q, of a specified state; of a specified quality) to exist q, in someone or something
     1. syllable. (ja-kana-def)ha
     2. part. non-gloss, unique topic marker, often untranslatable
           これは犬です。 - This the topic, about which we are speaking is a dog.
           今日は雨ですね。 - It seems like it is raining today.
           今日は雨が降っています。 - literally As for today, rain is falling.
     1. syllable. (obsolete except as a particle) (ja-kana-def)o
     2. part. (A case particle.)
     3. part.    (with transitive verb) An (accusative case particle: a grammatical marker following the direct object of a verb.)
             私がリンゴを食べる。 - I eat an apple.
             私をリンゴが食べる。 - An apple eats me.
     1. syllable. (ja-kana-def)ga
     2. part. Indicates the subject of a sentence.
           猫が餌を食べた。 - The cat is the thing that ate the cat food.
           犬がいる。 - There is a dog.
           木がある。 - There is a tree.
     1. syllable. (ja-kana-def)to
     2. part. with
           僕 と 行きたい? - Do you want to go with me?
           あなた と 一緒 に 行きます。 - I will go with you.
     3. part. (when between nouns) and
     1. counter. yearsnen
     2. n. a year
           年に一度 - once a year
     3. suffix. a grade, a school year
           彼 は 中学 2年 だ。 - He's in the second year in junior high school.
     1. syllable. (ja-kana-def)de
     2. part. at: indicating a location at which something happens
           ここで休みたい。 - I want to rest here (at this location).
     3. part. with, by, using: indicating the means by or with which something happens
           筆ペンで書く - to write with a brush pen
     1. syllable. (ja-kana-def)da
     2. v. (auxiliary) (Following parts of speech that do not inflect by themselves, including nouns, na-adjectives, adverbs and postpositional phrases.)
     3. v.    to be
             彼は無実だ。 - He is innocent.
             冬休みは明日からだ。 - Winter vacation is from tomorrow. (Winter vacation starts from tomorrow.)
     1. n. the moontsuki
           (syn-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 太陰, tr=taiin, ムーン, tr2=mūn)
     2. n. (astronomy) a natural satellite
     3. n. moonlight, moonbeam
           (syn-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 月光, tr=gekkō, 月影, tr2=tsukikage)
     1. syllable. (ja-kana-def)mo
     2. part. (q, non-unique topic marker)
     3. part.    too; also; as well
             田中さんはビールを飲んでいる。スミスさんも飲んでいる。 - Tanaka is drinking beer. Smith is also drinking.
             本日もご来店くださいまして、ありがとうございます。 - Thank you for visiting our store today as well as other days.
13 から
     1. part. from, out ofkara
           東京から帰った。 - He returned from Tokyo.
           ずっと前からの話 - a conversation from way back
           地下室からのふしぎな旅 - a mysterious journey (starting) from the basement
     2. part. after (following て-form verbs)
     1. counter. ordinal day of a monthnichi
           27日 - the 27th
     2. counter. number of days
           誕生日まであと12日だ - My birthday is in 12 days.
     3. counter. Usage: Sometimes shortened to (l-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, んち, tr=-nchi) or l-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, ち, tr=-chi.
15 成る
16 こと
     1. n. broadly, any abstract thing, affair, matter, or factkoto
     2. n.    a thing, occasion, circumstances, detail, particular
             些細な事だ。 - It is a trivial matter.
             いやしくもなすに足る事なら立派にやるだけの価値がある。 - If a thing is worth doing at all, it is worth doing well.
             お前のことが好きだ。 - masculine speech
17 有る
18 よる
     1. v. よる: to be based on, to depend on, to be due to - (at most case)yoru
     2. v. 拠る: to be based on, to depend on
     3. v. 因る: to be due to
     4. v. 寄る: to drop by, to stop at
     5. v. Usage: The senses (senseno, ja, 拠る, -) and senseno, ja, 因る, - are usually written in hiragana.
     1. syllable. (ja-kana-def)ya
     2. part. and/or
           おとしよりや体の不自由な方は登録しませんか。 - Don’t seniors and the physically handicapped and others register?
           最近は犬や猫を飼っている人は多い - recently, many people are raising animals like dogs and/or cats
     3. part. Usage: * Used to conjoin nouns
20 など
     1. adv. how, in what waynado
     2. part. 等: for example, things like, such as, etc., and so on
           納豆や歌舞伎などは日本だけにある。 - Things like natto and kabuki are only in Japan.
     3. part. Usage: *
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