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20 など
     1. adv. how, in what waynado
     2. part. 等: for example, things like, such as, etc., and so on
           納豆や歌舞伎などは日本だけにある。 - Things like natto and kabuki are only in Japan.
     3. part. Usage: *
21 言う
     1. v. to say, to tell somebodyiuyuu
           アリスは私に休みたいと言った。 - Alice said to me that she wants to rest.
           私が言うようにしなさい。 - Do as I tell you.
           彼は変だと言われた。 - He was told that he was strange.
           一つ言っていい? - Can I just say one thing?
22 為る
23 この
     1. adnominal. (deictically) this ... (near the speaker)kono
           この車は緑です。 - This car is green.
     2. adnominal. (anaphorically) this ... I am talking about (only the speaker knows)
     3. adnominal. used before words for insults to add emphasis; compare (ncog, zh, -) zh-m, 這, t=this and ncog, vi, này, , this
           この馬鹿! - literally This idiot!
     1. n. a person, humanhito
     2. n. an individual
           (syn-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 個人, tr=kojin)
     3. n. mankind, people
           (syn-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 人類, tr=jinrui, 人間, tr2=ningen)
25 その
     1. adnominal. (deictically) that ... near you (near the addressee)sono
           私が読みたいのは、その本です。 - What I want to read is that book.
     2. adnominal. (anaphorically) the ... we are talking about.
     3. adnominal. ...of it; its; their
           そのお姉さん - her elder sister
26 まで
     1. part. until, up to, as far asmade
           十時まで働くつもりだ。 - I intend to work until ten o'clock.
           この電車は、下関まで行きます。 - This train goes as far as Shimonoseki.
           三時から五時まで。 - From three o'clock until five o'clock.
           帰るまで待っている。 - I'll wait until you come home.
27 もの
     1. part. (conjunctive particle): Because.mono
     2. part. (feminine) (A sentence-final particle used for emphasis.)
     3. part.    (Used to assert something. Often carries feelings of dissatisfaction or downheartedness, but not always.)
             だって寒いんだもん。 - After all, it's cold out.
             羨ましく なんか ない もん!ふん! - I'm not jealous at all! Hmph!
     1. syllable. (ja-kana-def)he
     2. part. to, towards (indicates a destination or movement toward something)
           日本へようこそ! - Welcome to Japan!
           銀行へ行った。 - I went to the bank.
           トランプ氏 勝つ、第45%代 米大統領へ - ref=
     1. (ja-see, また)
30 これ
     1. pron. thiskore
     2. pron.    (deictically) this one (near the speaker)
     3. pron.    (anaphorically) this one I am talking about (only the speaker knows)
     4. pron. (literary (calque, ja, lzh, 是, 之, 惟), etc.) (Repeats the topic with a correct case marker to avoid any misunderstanding if it is not a subject.)
31 行う
     1. v. To perform; to do; to conduct oneself; to carry out.okonau
           インタビューは英語で行われていました。 - The interview was conducted in English.
32 よう
     1. Usage: Grammaticized is most likely to be spelled in hiragana.
     2. suffix. (volitional: expressing one's will or intention to do something)you
           そろそろ寝よう。 - I will go to bed before long.
           (ja-x, 美%味しいものを食べようと思っています。, お%いし.い もの を たべよう と おもって います。, I'm thinking I will eat something delicious.)
     3. suffix. (hortative: inducing or stimulating other person to do something)
33 出来る
     1. n. station (train, underground/subway)eki
     2. n. (dialect Ibaraki) station (train, underground/subway)iki
     1. n. a land, a large placekuni
     2. n. a country in general, a region
     3. n. a country as in a nation, a state
     4. n. the office of emperor, the crown; affairs of state
     5. n. a province of ancient Japan
36 より
     1. part. than; rather than; more so thanyori
           上田さんは僕より背が高い。 - Mr. Ueda is taller than I am.
           オレンジより林檎が好き。 - I like apples more than oranges.
     2. part. from, beyond, or past a point in space or time
           ここより危ないですよ。 - It's dangerous past / beyond / from here.
37 大学
     1. n. a university; a collegedaigaku
38 現在
     1. n. the present, nowgenzai
     2. adv. now, at present
     1. n. (spatially) the back, the rear, behindato
           (ja-x, 子%犬が後からついてくる。, こ%いぬ が あと から ついて くる。, The puppy will follow behind., lit=The puppy will follow from the back.)
     2. n. (temporally) later time, afterwards, some time after the present
           後で連絡します。 - I'll contact you later.
           会議の後 - after the meeting
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