300 |
製造 |
1. n. manufacturing | seizou |
2. v. manufacture | |
301 |
自身 |
1. n. oneself | jishin |
自分自身で料理を作る - cook all by oneself | |
犯人を逮捕したのは大統領自身だった。 - The President himself captured the criminal. | |
302 |
車両 |
1. n. rolling stock; railcar, subway car, etc. | shiriu |
303 |
光 |
1. n. (a physically perceived light:) | hikari |
2. n. a light, beam, illumination | |
3. n. a gleam, glow, ray | |
4. n. a glimmer, shine, sparkle | |
ダイヤモンドの光 - a diamond's glitter / shine / twinkling | |
304 |
話 |
1. n. talking; speaking; speech; conversation | hanashi |
何の話をしてるの? - What are you guys talking about? | |
2. n. story; tale; narrative | |
「ざしき童子のはなし」 - The Story of the Zashiki-bokko | |
3. n. a topic; a subject; that which is spoken about | |
305 |
野球 |
1. n. baseball (ball game) | yakiu |
2. n. a baseball (ball used in the game) | |
306 |
調査 |
1. n. investigation, examination, inspection, inquiry, enquiry, survey | chiusa |
国語に関する世論調査 - survey of public opinion relating to the national language | |
2. v. to investigate, to examine, to inspect, to inquire, to survey | |
307 |
船 |
308 |
シングル |
1. n. a single | |
2. n. tennis singles (as opposed to doubles) | |
3. n. a single-breasted jacket | |
4. n. a single shot of an alcoholic beverage | |
5. n. a single-digit handicap in golf | |
309 |
勝 |
1. n. win, victory | shiu |
2. counter. wins, victories | |
310 |
列車 |
1. n. (railroads) train | reshi |
311 |
父 |
1. n. father | chichi |
(ja-x, 野比のび助は、主%人%公のび太の父。, のび のびすけ は、しゅ%じん%こう のびた の ちち。, Nobi Nobisuke is the father of the protagonist Nobita.) | |
2. n. (by extension figurative) a father figure (male initiator or founder of something) | |
近代%医学の父 - the father of modern medicine | |
3. n. (Christianity) God, the Holy Father | |
312 |
活躍 |
1. n. activity, action | katsuyaku |
2. v. to be active (in), to participate actively (in) | |
313 |
省 |
1. prefix. saving, conservation | shiu |
2. suffix. ministry | |
3. n. ministry, government department, office | |
法務省 - Ministry of Justice | |
4. n. Chinese province | |
314 |
終了 |
1. n. end; conclusion; finish | shiuriu |
Windows&32;XPのサポート終了 - Windows XP | |
アナログ放送 終了 - the end of analog broadcasting | |
2. v. to end; to conclude; to close; to finish | |
315 |
文 |
1. n. the (Japanese mon (currency), mon), an old currency | mon |
2. n. a unit of length for measuring the size of one's foot (q-lite, from the way that the mon coins would be lined up and used as a kind of inch marker) | |
3. n. a character, a letter | |
4. n. writing, something written | |
5. n. a magical spell | |
316 |
初 |
1. prefix. the first..., initial..., new... | hatsu |
2. n. a first, start, a beginning | |
今年初のコンサート - the first concert of this year | |
3. n. (slang) first sexual relations, one's first time | |
4. n. (from early 900s) a first, start | ui |
317 |
全国 |
1. n. the whole country; the entire nation | zenkokuzengoku |
2. n. nationwide; countrywide | |
3. n. (chiefly) all of Japan | |
318 |
収録 |
1. n. collection, writing down, inclusion | shiuroku |
アルバム収録曲 - song included on an album | |
2. n. recording audio or video | |
3. v. to collect, to write down, to include | |
4. v. to videotape, to record audio or video | |
319 |
人物 |
1. n. person, figure, personage | jinbutsu |
2. n. someone's character | |