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300 製造
     1. n. manufacturingseizou
     2. v. manufacture
301 自身
     1. n. oneselfjishin
           自分自身で料理を作る - cook all by oneself
           犯人を逮捕したのは大統領自身だった。 - The President himself captured the criminal.
302 車両
     1. n. rolling stock; railcar, subway car, etc.shiriu
     1. n. (a physically perceived light:)hikari
     2. n.    a light, beam, illumination
     3. n.    a gleam, glow, ray
     4. n.    a glimmer, shine, sparkle
             ダイヤモンドの光 - a diamond's glitter / shine / twinkling
     1. n. talking; speaking; speech; conversationhanashi
           何の話をしてるの? - What are you guys talking about?
     2. n. story; tale; narrative
           「ざしき童子のはなし」 - The Story of the Zashiki-bokko
     3. n. a topic; a subject; that which is spoken about
305 野球
     1. n. baseball (ball game)yakiu
     2. n. a baseball (ball used in the game)
306 調査
     1. n. investigation, examination, inspection, inquiry, enquiry, surveychiusa
           国語に関する世論調査 - survey of public opinion relating to the national language
     2. v. to investigate, to examine, to inspect, to inquire, to survey
308 シングル
     1. n. a single
     2. n. tennis singles (as opposed to doubles)
     3. n. a single-breasted jacket
     4. n. a single shot of an alcoholic beverage
     5. n. a single-digit handicap in golf
     1. n. win, victoryshiu
     2. counter. wins, victories
310 列車
     1. n. (railroads) trainreshi
     1. n. fatherchichi
           (ja-x, 野比のび助は、主%人%公のび太の父。, のび のびすけ は、しゅ%じん%こう のびた の ちち。, Nobi Nobisuke is the father of the protagonist Nobita.)
     2. n. (by extension figurative) a father figure (male initiator or founder of something)
           近代%医学の父 - the father of modern medicine
     3. n. (Christianity) God, the Holy Father
312 活躍
     1. n. activity, actionkatsuyaku
     2. v. to be active (in), to participate actively (in)
     1. prefix. saving, conservationshiu
     2. suffix. ministry
     3. n. ministry, government department, office
           法務省 - Ministry of Justice
     4. n. Chinese province
314 終了
     1. n. end; conclusion; finishshiuriu
           Windows&32;XPのサポート終了 - Windows XP
           アナログ放送 終了 - the end of analog broadcasting
     2. v. to end; to conclude; to close; to finish
     1. n. the (Japanese mon (currency), mon), an old currencymon
     2. n. a unit of length for measuring the size of one's foot (q-lite, from the way that the mon coins would be lined up and used as a kind of inch marker)
     3. n. a character, a letter
     4. n. writing, something written
     5. n. a magical spell
     1. prefix. the first..., initial..., new...hatsu
     2. n. a first, start, a beginning
           今年初のコンサート - the first concert of this year
     3. n. (slang) first sexual relations, one's first time
     4. n. (from early 900s) a first, startui
317 全国
     1. n. the whole country; the entire nationzenkokuzengoku
     2. n. nationwide; countrywide
     3. n. (chiefly) all of Japan
318 収録
     1. n. collection, writing down, inclusionshiuroku
           アルバム収録曲 - song included on an album
     2. n. recording audio or video
     3. v. to collect, to write down, to include
     4. v. to videotape, to record audio or video
319 人物
     1. n. person, figure, personagejinbutsu
     2. n. someone's character
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