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380 時期
     1. n. time for doing somethingjiki
     2. n. period of time
     3. n. season
381 センター
     1. n. a center (point equidistant from all points on the perimeter of a circle or on the surface of a sphere)
     2. n. a center (middle portion of something)
     3. n. a center (point on a line midway between the ends)
     4. n. a center (place where a function or activity occurs)
           テスト センター - test center
382 製作
     1. n. manufactureseisaku
     2. v. produce, make, manufacture
     1. suffix. fiefdom, domainhan
384 強い
     1. adj. strong, durable, powerfultsuyoi
     2. adj. strong, competent, good
           数字 に 強い - good at figures
     3. adj. high tolerance, resilient
           雨に強い - resilient to rain
385 企業
     1. n. enterprisekigiu
     2. n. undertaking
     3. n. corporation
     4. n. business
386 受賞
     1. n. winning an awardjishiu
     2. v. to win an award, to win a prize
387 付く
     1. v. (ja-vp, 付ける, 付く)tsuku
     2. v. attach itself to, stick, stick to, adhere, adhere to; be connected with
           ほっぺ に ついてる よ。 - There is food stuck to your cheek.
     3. v. come in contact with, touch, reach
     4. v. be attached to, belong to, join, associate with; take up the cause of
     1. affix. institutionin
     2. affix. (Short for 病院, 大学院, etc.)
     3. n. (historical) Ex-emperor, ex-empress or entitled as equal-to-emperor/empress in cloister (derived from "mansion"; the high nobles are not addressed directly, but with their residence as substitution)
     4. suffix. temple
     5. suffix. institution
     1. suffix. store, branch (of a store company)ten
390 戦闘
     1. n. a battle, a fight, combatsentou
           戦闘を開始する - to commence hostilities / to start fighting
           戦闘を中止する - to suspend hostilities / to stop fighting
           戦闘に参加する - to see combat / to participate in a battle or action
     2. v. to fight, to battle
391 結ぶ
     1. v. tie (a string, rope, sash, etc.)musubu
     2. v. connect
     3. v. be bound (by love, friendship, etc.)
     4. v. enter a contract, form an alliance
     5. v. wrap up, wind up
392 目的
     1. n. a purpose; a goal; an objectivemokuteki
393 対応
     1. n. correspondence totaiou
     2. n. (computers) compatibility
     3. n. dealing with
           大人な対応 - mature response to the situation
           なぜこんなに対応が遅れたのか。 - Why was the response so slow?
394 勝利
     1. n. victoryshiuri
     2. n. triumph
     3. n. success
     4. v. to win; to achieve victoryshiuri
395 ホーム
     1. n. (travel) platform
           駅のホーム - train station platform
     2. n. (computing) home
396 管理
     1. n. management, control; stewardship; administrationkanri
     2. v. to control, to manage, to administer
397 至る
     1. v. (ja-vp, 致す, 至る)itaru
     2. v. lead to (a place), be bound for
     3. v. reach, extend to
     4. v. develop into, result in
     1. suffix. group, team, gangdan
           銀河団 - a galaxy cluster
           ロケット団 - Team Rocket
           CLAMP 学園 探偵団 - Clamp Academy Detectives
     1. n. a tree or shrubki
     2. n. wood, timber, lumber
     3. n. (graph theory computer science) a tree (data structure)
     4. n. (theater sumo, etc.) a clapper used to signal the opening or closing of a match or play
     5. n. (ng-lite, Combining form of :) tree; woodko
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