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     1. n. a piece of musickiku
121 地域
     1. n. area, district, particular geographic regionchiiki
     1. Usage: More often spelled with the okurigana, as 作り.tsukuri
     1. affix. thingji
     2. affix. work; job; business
     3. affix. to serve; to work for
     1. suffix. versionban
           短縮版 - shortened version
           第四版 - fourth version
125 取る
126 登場
     1. n. entrance in a performancetoujiu
     2. n. appearance in a scene or situation; arrival
           活版印刷の登場 - the arrival of letterpress printing
           トランプ大統領の登場以降 - Trump
     3. v. appear in a performance, for a character to enter
127 チーム
     1. n. team
     1. n. world, societyyo
     2. n. this world, this (life)
           (synonyms, ja, 俗世間, tr=zoku seken)
     3. n. lifetime
           (synonyms, ja, 一生, tr=isshō)
129 時間
     1. n. timejikan
           時間 は あります か? - Do you have any time?
           時間 は いつ で も 大丈夫 です。 - literally As for time, whenever is fine.
           もう こんな 時間! - literally it's already this sort of time!
           時間 に ルーズ - literally lax about time
130 於ける
     1. adnominal. inokeru
     2. adnominal. Usage: Often used with the particle に in the expression
131 中心
     1. n. center, middle, heart, core (physical center)chiushin
     2. n. center, hub (most important area of activity)
     3. n. crux, main point
132 大会
     1. n. convention; rally; mass meetingtaikai
     2. n. (sports) tournament, a meet
133 多く
     1. adv. largely; mostlyooku
     2. n. a lot
           多くの人 - a lot of people
     3. n. a majority
           大学の多くは四年制である。 - Most of the universities have a four-year system.
     1. n. the south (gloss-lite, cardinal point)minami
     2. n. a southerly, south wind
     3. n. the southnan
     4. affix. south, southern
     5. affix. (Used in Sanskrit transliterations)
135 シリーズ
     1. n. series
     1. n. prizeshiu
     2. suffix. prize, award
     1. n. north (cardinal point)kita
           (antonyms, ja, 南, tr=minami)
     2. n. the North (northern part of a region)
     3. n. a northerly, north wind
           (synonyms, ja, 北風, tr=kitakaze, hokufū)
138 開始
     1. n. start; beginning; initiationkaishi
           (hyponyms, ja, 起工, tr1=kikō, t1=starting construction, 着工, tr2=chakkō, t2=starting construction)
     2. v. to start; to begin; to initiate
139 フランス
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