Das englische Wort für Saft ist

Englische Definition
Saft | |
1. subst. (beverage) juice | |
2. subst. (botany) sap | |
3. subst. (zoology) fluid | |
4. subst. (cooking) gravy, meat juice | |
(Fleisch etc.) im eigenen Saft kochen - (meat, etc.) to cook in its own juices | |
5. subst. (colloquial) power; electricity | |
Das Handy hat keinen Saft mehr. - The cellphone is out of juice. | |
6. subst. (colloquial) agility; vitality; power | |
7. subst. (slang) any bodily fluid, especially sweat and vulgar semen or vaginal fluid |
Übersetzungen für Saft und ihre Definitionen
sap | ![]() | ||
1. Saft (einer Pflanze) |
juice | ![]() | ||
1. Substantiv: | |||
2. [1] Saft | |||
[1] "A juice is obtained from the pineapple, which by fermentation yields a liquor possessing stimulating and diuretick properties." |
spunk | |
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